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“I'm okay. Feeling grateful.” Even though he says the words, I can hear the undercurrent of pain in his voice, and I feel absolutely terrible. I knew this information would hurt him, but I'm glad that he might finally be able to have some sense of closure and peace regarding the loss of his father. And now, with the end in sight, I sense he's going to feel relief sooner rather than later.

“What do you think he found?” I ask. I have no doubt Damien knows a lot more about all of this than I do.

“I don't know, but judging by the tone of his voice, whatever it is, it’s important.” I can hear the hope in his voice and know that he is ready for all of this to be over and done. I'm ready to get justice for his dad.

“Thank you, Zoe. For doing this for me. For my dad.” His voice sounds choked up, and I want nothing more than to reach through the phone and give him a hug. “I don't know how to repay you for this.”

“Repay me? You don't owe me anything.” Doesn't he see that I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do? Not because I expect anything in return.

“I'm just trying to say that you are an absolutely amazing person inside and out. Thank you.”

Unexpected tears sting my eyes. “Thank you for saying that, but I'm just doing what's right.”

We say our quiet goodbyes and I feel an undercurrent of something stronger between us now. Something that I'm not sure I'm ready to face.

Several hours later, I get ready for bed, still basking in the glow of the good deed that I did when I hear a knock at my front door. I can't help but wonder if it's Ryan with more information for me or one of my friends checking in.

But when I hurry to the door and peek through the people, I see Felicity standing outside.

My brow furrows as I try to figure out why she of all people would be here at my home. Feeling incredibly unsure, I pull the door open. I’m struck, once again, by how pretty she is. I've been absolutely nervous to find out that she worked for Damien because she's absolutely, stunningly gorgeous. She looks like a mashup of every girl who's ever been prettier than me before and gotten the man I was pining after or wanted to be with.

It had taken a lot for me to talk myself down from that fear, but here I am ramping back up to one hundred and terrified of what she's here to tell me. It's as if all of my past insecurities are coming back with a vengeance, but I try to keep my cool.

“What’s up? Is everything okay with Damien?” I honestly can't figure out why else she would be here and very real fear surges in my chest.

She flashes a smug smile that bothers me. “He's fine. Better than fine, actually. And I'm here to give you some news. Bad news.”

I brace myself, worried about what's going to come out of her mouth next.

“So I know you and Damien are together, but I highly doubt you gave him permission to sleep with other women.” As she says the words, my heart plummets to my toes, and pain crashes over me like a tidal wave. “He’s cheating on you.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask.

“I mean that Damien is cheating on you. He is still active at Club Red. He's there right now with some other woman.” She rolls her eyes as if she can't believe how stupidly naive I am.

And I think back to that club he told me about. Didn't he say that he wasn't part of that place anymore? Part of me wonders why he'd lied to me about that, but another part of me knows the truth. He wouldn't come out and tell me he was sleeping with other women. Of course, he’d hide it and lie.

Felicity is watching me closely, a smile on your lips. “I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” she says. But I have a feeling she's happy to be telling me this.

“I think you should go,” I say.

“Fine.” With that, she turns around and walks toward her shiny BMW.

I close and lock my front door behind me and hurry to grab my phone. Picking up the device, I call his number, but he doesn't answer. After four rings, it goes to voicemail, and I hear Damien's voice telling me to leave a message.

I hang up and call again.

And again, it goes to voicemail. He's not answering. Panic surges through my chest and I run into my room, hurrying to get dressed. Ten minutes later I'm on my way out the door, locking it behind me and getting in my car.

I've heard enough about the club in passing to know what location to search for to get directions. And I drive all the way there like a woman possessed, barely aware of my surroundings, the world, or anything but my pain and fear as I drive.

He wouldn't do this to me.

He knows how broken up I am about Jake’s cheating.

But then again, we aren't anything official, so is it really cheating?

My fingers tighten on the steering wheel, and I feel an ache in my arms, shoulders, and neck. I want nothing more than to find him and hear him tell me that Felicity is lying. But if I find him at this club, I'm going to have to believe her.

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