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I sit behind my desk, looking over the city skyline through the floor to ceiling windows.

It's a beautiful view, but one that I don't have time to enjoy. And if I did have the time to enjoy it, I'd wish that Zoe was here beside me. Although I wish she was here beside me regardless.

I glance at my computer. There's a lot of work I should be doing and a lot of problems to solve. One of those problems is my brother Cameron. He's moved on to sending me threatening messages and emails, promising to ruin me and my company. I'm not sure why he suddenly seems so desperate to make my life miserable, but I’m tired of letting him have access to me.

He's trying to spread lies and rumors about me and the company, and has also been trying to poach my clients and employees. He's been working hard to sabotage my deals and current projects.

He's doing everything in his power to make me fail.

The problem is, he's not the first person to do something like this to me, and I highly doubt he'll be the last.

I'm too damn stubborn to fail.

There's a knock at my door and I shift my gaze in time to see my assistant Felicity walk in. Her blonde hair is gathered back into a ponytail that leaves her low-cut blouse unobscured. Her short skirt dangerously rides up her thighs, and I resist the urge to tell her to please go change.

The last thing I need is to be cancelled for sexual harassment. Even though I don't find her attractive and I'm not interested in her, it is still distracting for her to walk around the office showing off so much skin. I am all for body positivity but in the workspace, it’s an unwelcome distraction for her breasts to be nearly spilling out of her clothing. To make matters worse, I’m certain people talk, But I kind of have my hands tied. If I keep her on, they're going to assume what they’re going to assume. If I fire her, people will talk even more.

“I should have brought coffee; you look tired this morning,” she says with a bright smile.

“I'm fine, thank you.” I'd much rather focus on the file in her hand.

I can tell by the way she looks me over that she's trying to decide which personal questions she wants to rapid fire at me now, as if I’ll open up at this time and share my feelings with her or that I'll confide in her. She wants to get closer to me. I don't want that. I don't want to let anyone here to get close to me.

While she's gathering her thoughts, my attention strays back to the city through the windows. I can't help but think of the night that Zoe and I spent here together, looking out at the stars and twinkling lights of the city. That one night I'd been able to ignore the stress and pressure that comes with running my company and I'd just been able to lose myself in her presence and be here with her.

I want that comfort and relaxation back.

“Damien?” The way Felicity says my name tells me she said it several times already.

“Yes?” I ask. I want to get up and walk over to the windows and watch the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life far below. But for now, I need to focus on business.

She seems to forget what she wanted to say and scans my office with a frown. “Damien, are you sleeping here?”

“Is there some reason you feel like you should be privy to that information?” I ask.

Her expression doesn't change. “There's no need to get snippy, Damien. I'm just worried about you. It's not healthy for you to stay shut in as much as you do or work as hard as you do. That's why I wanted you to go on vacation so you could get out and get away for a little while and take a break from work.”

She says the words like a mother speaking to an errant child and I find myself annoyed. It's not an endearing trait, and I wish she’d save the maternal attitude. “I don’t think I need or requested your non-professional opinion about how I live my life.”

“Like I said, Damien, there's no need to get short tempered or angry with me. I'm just worried about you and I have your best interests in mind.” She makes her way toward my desk, her gaze locked on me. “If you are not here, who will sign my paychecks?”

“Most likely whoever bought the company,” I say.

She sighs and takes a seat across the desk from me. “That's just it, Damien. You're a good boss. I don't want someone else to come in and take your place. It's not healthy to live and breathe this place. You need to get some rest in a real bed. You need to get out of this office and see something other than these four walls.”

“I am fine, Felicity, but I appreciate your concern.” I don't have the energy to put up with this constant barrage of judgment about how I live my life. I'm about ready to tell her to leave my office when she sets the file folder she brought in on my desk and places three fingers on top of it before sliding it across to me. Her gaze never leaves mine.

“I think you're making a mistake and I worry that your mistakes will cost you this company.” She says the words slowly and succinctly.

I echo back her cadence. “That's not going to happen, Felicity.”

Her eyebrows lift as if she does not believe me, but she removes her fingers from the file and I pick it up. “What about your brother? Do you have any idea what Cameron has planned next?”

I try to bury my annoyance and glance at her.

She seems full of nervous anger and energy and stands up, pacing my office. “Damien, don't you see what's happening? Your brother's trying to take over your company, he's trying to ruin you, and he's trying to hurt you, and you're opening the door and letting him in.” She throws her hands up as I try to focus back on the reports in the folder.

“Are you even listening to me?” she asks, stalking back over to my desk and planting both hands on the metal and leaning toward me.

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