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He reaches into his slacks pocket and pulls out a piece of paper before taking a pen from his suit jacket. He writes something down on the paper and hands it to me, and I smile at him.

“Old school. You could have just given me your number to put in my phone.”

He lifts both shoulders and I can't help but love the gesture of him physically writing his name down. There's something so much more intimate about him writing his number down and handing me the paper than just saving his number in my phone. I can't explain why, and I doubt it makes sense. I fold the paper and tuck it into my pocket, though every bit of me screams to put it in my phone now.

But I don't want to waste these last few moments staring at my phone instead of basking in his company.

“I hope you call me when you get home or text me or even find me on social media. I just hope you stay in touch.” His voice is so warm and sincere that his words wrap around me like a warm blanket on a crisp fall day.

“I will, I promise.” As I say the words, I know that our time is coming to an end.

He offers me a smile and says, “Good.”

With that, he pulls me into a hug, kisses me one more time and says, “Take care of yourself, Zoe. And don't let the Jakes of the world tear you down. You’re too good for them.”

His uplifting words bring a sad smile to my face. “Thank you. For everything.”

His lips brush mine, then he backs off with one more soul-searching look. I offer a weak wave and he nods before turning and disappearing into the throng of people disembarking the cruise ship.

I feel a sharp prick of pain in my chest, and a painful lump forms in my throat, nearly cutting off my air.

I miss him already.

“Hey, hon.” I feel Cass’ arms close around me as she, Amy, and Ben guide me to our ride.

We load up our things and I feel like I'm in a daze, as we pull away from the parking lot. All I can think about is him and how wrong it feels to be leaving.

“You guys exchanged numbers, right?” I can feel the concern in any stare as I nod at her before returning to my quiet contemplation. Thankfully, they don't push me to talk anymore. I'm not really in the mood to discuss anything. I'm hurting and ready to go home. I want to sleep in my own bed and dream about a blue-eyed man with gentle hands, kind words, and a hug that feels like coming home.

As the one who lives furthest away, everyone else is already out of the car and gone before the Uber pulls up in front of my house.

On the front step I can see a woman waiting for me and I take a deep breath.

I'm not expecting company and I have no idea who would be there waiting. And how long has this person been waiting for that matter?

I tip the driver and get out, taking my bags from the trunk before making my way up to my front door. The second the young woman turns to me, I know exactly who she is.

I’m face to face with Cindy.

Jake’s secretary.

The woman he cheated on me with.

“What are you doing here?” I stop at my front door, unwilling to even put the keys in the lock while she's standing there staring at me. Her gaze studies my face, and I see a mixture of pity and surprise there.

“You're beautiful.” I’m confused by her stunned statement.

“Yeah, well, that didn't stop him from cheating on me.” I stack my bags beside the door and turn to face her, planting my hands on my hips.

Her eyebrows jump almost to her hairline. I'm still not sure why she's here on my doorstep, but when she offers me a bouquet of sunflowers and roses, I’m even more confused. There's a nervous look in her eyes and I'm not sure what she's up to. This has got to be in my top ten weirdest moments ever.

“Zoe, I'm sorry.” I sense she means the words, but they're cold comfort.

“Thanks, I guess. Why are you here?” I'm not interested in being friends with my ex’s girlfriend.

“I wanted to say that I'm sorry and I was hoping you would hear me out.” When I don't accept the flowers, she pulls them back toward her body and cradles them like a baby. I see her inhale deeply and imagine that this conversation isn't a comfortable one for her either.

“I don’t think there’s anything you could say that I'm interested in hearing.” I'm not even trying to be rude at this point, just honest. I dig in my purse and pull out my keys, ready to go inside and end this awkward confrontation.

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