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Because last night, while we were trying to have dinner together, her ex-boyfriend wouldn't leave her alone. She tried to ignore her phone, but I could see that the constant messaging and calling sounds were bothering her. She'd been so annoyed that her blonde friend Amy had finally reached out, grabbed her phone and set it to silent, which only made the phone buzz instead.

And with every buzz, I'd seen her tense up. I hated that he was bothering her, ruining her good time, and keeping her attention elsewhere. I have no doubt that was his plan all along, to make sure that she couldn't enjoy her vacation away from him. Maybe he really does think he can win her back, but I think it's more likely that he thinks he can wear her down over time and force her to give him a second chance - even though she doesn't want to - if he just keeps bothering her.

It's a sick game played by a sick man, and I've seen it play out far too many times. I don't want him to escalate his behavior and for her to be in danger. So I’m going to do everything in my power to keep her safe and hope she doesn't hate me for overstepping boundaries.

I just want to help her. I want to make him stop. I want her to be happy and enjoy her vacation. And she can't do that as long as he continues to harass her.

With just a phone call, I use the information that I've gained to track him down. His name is Jake. He's 32. He works as a crew member at a popular fast-food joint, he lives in the same town as Zoe, and he’s a jerk and stalker who won’t leave her alone.

He's also a criminal.

“What do you want with a guy like this?” Warren, my private investigator, sounds slightly interested.

“I'm trying to stop him before he commits his next crime.”

On the other end of the line, I hear Warren let out a slow breath. “Well, you'd be doing somebody a favor because he doesn't pick on people his own size.”

He pauses for a moment, and I hear a slight intake of breath that tells me he's found something. “Interesting. He actually has a warrant out for his arrest for a previous domestic violence charge.”

“Details?” I ask, clasping my hands behind my back as I stare out over the ocean from my balcony.

“Apparently he assaulted an ex-girlfriend, left her with bruises and broken bones. Guy’s a class act. He dumped her at the front door of an emergency room before taking off. They’re certain he fled the state.” Warren sounds annoyed and I know that he's going to back me on this call.

Jake's been hiding, but he messed with the wrong person, because his time is up. “Let Roger know.”

“Done.” Warren sounds satisfied and I'm not surprised he's already dealt with this little problem. I pay him very, very handsomely for his services and his discretion. He's quick, he's efficient, and he's as ruthless as I am.

Roger is a bounty hunter that Warren knows through a friend of a friend who offers kickbacks for anyone found that can be turned over for a cash reward, though Roger likes taking people in and will for no reward other than the thrill of it. Roger has no idea Warren and I talk, and I don’t doubt Warren gets a kickback for every name he helps Roger turn in.

It's a good system that allows me to stay anonymous and deal with problems that I sometimes run into.

“It's a good thing he didn't run far. Roger probably has him close already.” Warren sounds amused, and I also can't help but wonder, what kind of criminal goes on the run and stops less than fifty miles away from where he started? He must be confident he’d never be caught just because he hopped one border and police jurisdiction. What an idiot.

I hear a chiming sound and Warren speaks. “Well, well, well, what serendipitous timing.”

A moment later, my phone buzzes and I lower it from my ear to take a look at the image. And for the first time, I get a glance at her ex. His eyes are red rimmed and he looks scared... and angry.

Good. The guy looks like he kicks kittens. Anyway, he's where he belongs. I can't help but feel a sense of justice. “Thank you, Warren. I appreciate it.”

“Likewise. Do try to enjoy the rest of your trip.” With that, the line goes dead in my ear, and I can't help but smile. Of course, Warren wants me to enjoy myself. The man knows I never stop working. He's told me more than once that I'm probably going to die behind my desk, and I'm not certain he's wrong.

Of course, he's also tried to tell me that there's more to life than work, but before this trip, I didn't believe him. I think about him and how good he is, and how we've still never been able to solve the crime that happened within the company. With that dark turn, I feel my mood come down several notches, and I try to focus back on the beautiful ocean.

There's always been one crime that taunted me and is actually the reason Warren and my path crossed. It's a crime that only he and I are aware of, and he’s not totally sure a crime was even committed.

But I am.

I know the truth.

But knowing the truth isn't enough to solve a crime. I don't have proof, I don't have evidence, I don't have anything I need to put that chapter of my life to rest. And I don’t know that I ever will. But I promised myself I wouldn't dwell on this now or ever.

As I try to get back on track, I realize I want to see her again.


Everything about her makes me smile. Her love of mimosas. The way she trusted me to lead and keep her on her feet while we danced. The woman who very nearly kissed me last night after dinner was over. I have no doubt she would have kissed me... until she remembered that her friends were still at the table and pulled away.

I'd like to think that she wants to see me again. There's something so electrifying about her presence. I know that I should be taking things slow and not jumping right in, especially since we'll probably never see each other again after this cruise, but something about her makes me want to try to be more than a cruise fling. I want to see if she’d be willing to see me once we disembark.

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