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I should be disgusted, reminded why I stay clear of men like Walker - other than being in a long-term, long-distance, committed relationship, of course - why I chose someone safe like Chase. But something about the whole situation and the picture Liam paints of a bad guy only fuels my curiosity. Why would a man who could have anyone, look at me like that?

“Look at the way he's staring at me.” I nod subtly toward Walker, my own gaze drawn to his once more despite myself. “That look is almost… protective. Like he's waiting for someone to mess with me so he can put them in their place.” I’d seen him tense up when the guy gave me his number, and I have a feeling if the guy hadn’t taken no for an answer, both Walker and Liam wouldn’t have hesitated to show him what’s what. Or the guy asking me to put on a show… if he’d put hands on me, I imagined both men would drag him to the exit and booted him out the door.

But Liam doesn't seem convinced. His gaze travels toward Walker, studying the silent exchange between us before shaking his head. “Or possess you. Men like Walker, they don't do things like protect. They conquer.”

His words send a shiver through me.

“Think about how he’s here every night with a different woman. Think about how they feel. He wants to win them, and once he does, he’s bored of them. It’s all a game.” Liam seems worried I’m going to fall under Walker’s spell, but his words do ring true.

I’ve had the same thoughts about Walker’s daily visits, plus the thought that a guy who drinks every single night might have a problem. I’m not judging, but it’s something I noticed.

“You’re probably right,” I say, as Walker's gaze traces my face, then sweeps down my body and back up to meet mine again. There’s something so… hungry? Primal? Dangerous? In his eyes, but beneath that I’d swear I see something else. He might not be gentle or protective, but he’s staring at me for a reason. I only wish I knew what that reason was.

The air around me seems charged and every hair on my body stands on end. I should turn away, break the connection between us that feels both forbidden and bound to happen. But I don't. Instead, I hold his gaze, letting the rest of the world fade into a blur until it's just Walker and me and the silent conversation flowing between us.

Liam turns to pour another drink, but I can sense he’s nervous about our conversation, and I see him watching me and Walker out of the corner of his eyes.

“Be careful with that one,” Liam says, and I know he's not just talking about Walker's ability to be trouble in every possible way.

“I always am,” I say. I keep my voice nonchalant even as my pulse quickens. “Besides, I’m seeing someone, so there’s nothing Walker wants that I can give.” That’s really all there is to the conversation.

But there's something about Walker, something that sets him apart from the usual crowd we get. Despite Liam's warning, or maybe because of it, I find myself drawn to the mystery that is Walker, the bad boy turned billionaire with a gaze that promises danger and maybe, just maybe, a good time along the way.

Still, I’m taken, and Walker isn’t my type. So, no matter how much he stares, or what else he tries to do, he’s going to be disappointed. I can’t be won, conquered, or bribed into hurting the man I love.

Somehow, though, I sense that Walker will take no as a challenge. The thought makes my heart pound, and unwelcome excitement skitters through my veins.

Chapter Five


“Take me out,” the woman beside me whines, her voice grating on my last nerve. Even her naked body does nothing to stir me, because my mind is on someone else. All interest I had in the woman beside me has been sated. I wish she’d just leave, but it’s not a bad thing for me to have a date to take to go see Isla.

Still, I don't even bother to glance at her as I thumb through Isla’s social media, watching her face as she talks about her recipes, even though I have my volume muted.

And it dawns on me, I have no idea what her name is - we’re sharing a bed, but I don't remember. Something that starts with S. Sally? Sandra? Silva? It doesn't matter. My interest in remembering her name is about as nonexistent as my current interest in her.

“Sure, get ready,” I say, still watching Isla’s face on screen.

The woman - Sandy? - squeals—the sound like nails on a chalkboard and nearly triggering a migraine—and gets out of bed to hurry and get dressed. I have time. She’ll spend at least half an hour getting ready and putting her face back on.

But when she’s gone, I can breathe again. The quiet is welcome.

When we finally leave, I tune out my date’s chatter, excitement rising in me at the thought of seeing Isla again.

I park my car and her lip curls as she leans forward to look at the bar through the windshield. “Here?” she asks, sounding disgusted. “I thought we’d go dancing, or out to dinner, or something like that.”

Well, she thought wrong, and that’s not my fault. “Trust me, this place is amazing,” I say before getting out, coming around to her door, and opening it for her. She stands up, clearly hesitant, then takes my arm. We make our way to the door, and I’m gestured in by the bouncer, and step inside.

The low light of the bar lends a sense of exclusivity, but my date seems annoyed. I don’t give a damn. I lead her to my usual spot, and she sits beside me. It's not long before she, Isla, appears. When she glances my direction and that soft smile flirts with the corners of her lips, I’d almost swear she can see right through my façade.

“I’m going to the little girl’s room,” my date whispers. “Order me a Blue Hawaiian, please?”

I nod, both not surprised by her order and annoyed with her drink choice. It suits her, I guess. As she walks off, I watch Isla smile at another customer, then make her way toward me.

“Hi, Walker,” she says with a cautious smile. I know she’s the only one here willing to serve me - I’d taken great pains to toe the line of making everyone else here hate me without also being unwelcomeback again. But it means she’s the only one who approaches me and that’s exactly what I want.

“The usual?” she asks, her voice barely above a whisper and bringing my body to life. I want to hear her moan my name, beg me to please her-

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