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“Relax for me, Isla,” I whisper, pressing into her with a gentleness that belies my own raging want. She tightens up for a heartbeat before melting and welcoming me fully, her body yielding to mine.

When I’m fully buried within her, I stop, taking a moment to stroke her face, loving the light in her eyes and the way her breathing catches. There’s something in her expression that’s so perfect, so delicate, so beautiful I wonder how the hell I can ever walk away from this woman.

Her nails dig into my shoulders as I move, slow and easy, backing out before pushing back in, loving the slickness of her body as we slide together, the way she urges me in, and begs me not to go. Her soft whimpers turn to sounds of delight, filling the room, filling my senses, becoming the heartbeat of my world.

I’m trying to keep control, trying not to lose myself in her, trying to hold back from taking her in the most primal way. But I manage, and even as her scent fills my nose, her body welcomes me, and I feel like I’ve finally found my way home, I realize that there’s no turning back now.

“Don’t stop,” she whispers, and I’m not about to do so.

My restraint is stretched to the limits as her moans give way to cries of pleasure and maybe a hint of pain, her obvious joy and excitement triggering my primal instincts. All traces of the tenderness gives way to an urgent need, a passion that consumes me whole. I'm claiming her, body, and with each movement, she's claiming my very soul.

“God, Isla,” I groan, feeling her move beneath me, her hands on my shoulders, her legs tucked behind my thighs to keep me from leaving. The sensation of her skin against mine is better than I ever imagined, the sweet scent of her desire is heady in my nostrils, and the sounds she makes—those breathless little moans—are the most exquisite noises I’ve ever heard.

Isla is unforgettable. I've had countless encounters with women whose names and faces I’ve forgotten. None stuck to memory, none of them mattered, but Isla… I’ll never forget her, and I don’t think I can let her go.

She moves, her hips rising to meet each of my thrusts. Her fingers trace paths of fire along my back, pulling me closer, deeper. Our hearts go rounds like fighters in a boxing ring, and her gaze holds mine, alight with a wild excitement, cheeks flushed, lips swollen from our kisses.

The world beyond this room, beyond the pleasure of this moment in her arms, fades away until there's nothing but Isla and the need that roars through me, urging me to possess her completely.

“You're mine,” I growl, the declaration coming from somewhere deep in my chest. Her response is a soft whimper of consent as her body yields to my claim.

“Say it,” I command, my voice a low grinding sound that vibrates between us.

“I'm yours,” Isla whispers, the words sending a shockwave of possession through me. My movements become more insistent, pressing into her with a hunger that feels bottomless, endless, impossible.

“Since the first moment I saw you,” I say, my lips brushing against the tender skin of her neck. Every cell in my body screams that I belong to this woman, that we are bound by something far stronger than mere physical attraction. “You were mine.”

The realization hits me like a thunderclap—I'm addicted to Isla. There's no turning back, no possibility of erasing the mark she's made on me. She fits against me as if molded for my embrace, and the thought of wanting her again, even now, ignites a new blaze within me.

“Yes,” she whispers, and my heart throbs.

As she pushes her head back into my bed, I scrape my teeth on her throat, enjoying the way her body moves with mine, surrenders to me, and begs for more. With every push and pull, with every shared breath and whispered word, we're changing both our worlds forever, and there’s no going back.

The tension coils in her like a spring wound too tight, and I sense she’s teetering on the edge of pleasure. My lips taste the soft spot under her ear, the vibration of her windpipe as she moans, the goosebumps racing along her flesh. “Let go,” I whisper, my voice rough with need. “Come for me.”

A gasp rips from her lips, a delicate sound that tightens my grip on sanity. Her body clenches around me, a vice of warmth and pleasure, and my vision gives way to darkness, pricked by blinding dots of light. She arches her back, her breasts pressing to my chest and the rippling deep in her core drag my own release front and center even as I try to hold back.

But she’s not letting me be in control, whether on purpose or by accident, I don’t know, and the gripping of her body severs my ability to wait.

“Isla,” I growl as pleasure crashes over me, a burst of sensation that drowns out thought and reason. I spill into her, waves of relief chasing the pulsing tide of both our bodies.

Gently, I ease myself down onto her, her small frame nestled beneath mine. Sweat beads on her brow, evidence of the passion we've shared as I study her face. Her wide eyes, glazed with satisfaction, search mine, seeking reassurance after everything we’ve just shared.

With careful tenderness, I trace a fingertip along her eyebrow toward her dampened hairline, savoring the silkiness of her skin. Pressing a feather-soft kiss on her forehead, I can’t hold back the internal joy I feel. She is mine.

“Mine,” I murmur again, more to myself than to her.

She blinks, then a smile breaks across her lips like sunlight after a heavy rain. “Yours,” she whispers, her body melting under me as I continue kissing her. My body stirs, already ready for her again, though I worry about hurting her. I want to ask if she needs anything, to take care of her, but I also don’t want to overwhelm her.

Isla is perfection, and I don’t want to lose her before I’m ready to let her go. But that’s the problem…. I don’t know that I can ever let her go.

After the moment we just shared, the excitement I’ve never experienced before, the comfort in her arms and the pure pleasure she unleashed in me—she’s mine and I’m never letting her walk away. I can’t. I won’t. And I’m going to have to figure out how to make her okay with that.

I didn’t want to admit it before, but I’m in love with her. I want her like I’ve never wanted anyone else.

And I will let nothing stand between me and making her mine in every sense of the word.

Chapter Twenty-Two

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