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“Let's not.” I shake my head. “That's the last thing on my mind.”

His jaw sets, protective anger flaring in his eyes. “I could—”

“Please, no.” My hands pass him a soapy bowl. He rinses off the suds and places it in the dish drying rack. “This is about Mom, not me, not him.”

He nods, letting it go, but I see the look in his eyes; he'd do anything for family. We both would. And right now, all I want is to keep ours together.

I sit by Mom's side, holding her frail hand. Her eyelids open and blink, and she offers me a weak smile that seems to exhaust her.

“Can you get me some clear soda, darling?” she whispers.

“Of course, Mom,” I say, squeezing her hand before letting go. “I'll be right back.”

I motion to Rand, who's hovering in the doorway, his body taut with worry. He shakes his head, indicating we have none. I jerk my thumb toward the front door and he nods, understanding the silent message as I make my way to the front door.

The supermarket feels cold, impersonal, and I navigate the aisles like a woman on a mission. After buying the soda, I hurry back to the parking lot, eager to return to Mom's side when a familiar figure catches my eye.

Chase leans against a sleek sports car, his arm draped casually around a woman whose name I don't care to know. The sight of them together knots my stomach, an unwelcome reminder of a past I'd rather forget. I lift my chin high and look straight forward, making my way to my car like I didn’t notice him at all.

“Hey!” That’s Chase’s voice. I’m not going to look, I’m not going to look. I’m so close to my car.

But as I fumble for my car keys, I see him walking toward me with that cocky swagger I once found charming.

“Long time no see. When did you get back?” He sounds curious, and that sets my teeth on edge.

“I'm not back.” I lift my shoulders. “I’m just visiting.”

“Did you drop out of college?” His tone carries an edge of mockery that makes my skin crawl and the girl next to him squints up at him, a smile on her face.

“Nope.” I don’t owe him answers, but I’m proud to be acing my classes.

He arches an eyebrow, skepticism written all over his too-handsome face.

“I’m visiting my family, that's it.” I angle myself toward my beat-up sedan. “Now if you'll excuse me—”

“Wait up,” he says, his new accessory, whispering something in his ear. He smirks. “Violet here thinks you're really, really hot.”

I fight down the bile rising in my throat, my grip tightening around the plastic bag holding the soda. “Good for her,” I say, the words tasting gross on my tongue. “I need to go.”

“Still playing hard to get?” Chase's grin widens, but I'm already unlocking my car.

I drop into the driver’s seat, slamming the door behind me. My hands tremble as I jam the key into the ignition, my heart pounding so hard I feel faint.

As I pull away, I catch a glimpse of them in the rearview mirror, Chase's arm snaking around her waist. And just like that, they're gone, disappearing from view. I let out a shaky breath, willing my thoughts back to the one person who matters.

“Almost there, Mom,” I whisper to myself, clutching the steering wheel tight as I make my way back home.

The fizz of the clear soda as I pour it into a glass stings my nose. I watch my mother's delicate hands wrap around the cold cup. She lifts it to her lips, and the small sips she takes are more reassuring than I’d hoped to feel.

“Sweetheart, you don't know how good it is to see your face,” she murmurs, setting the cup down with a soft clink on the glass coffee table.

“I've missed you, too.” The lump in my throat threatens to choke me. “I love you so much.”

She smiles, but it's such a frail expression. “And how's work treating you? You always have the most interesting stories.”

Work. The word sends a jolt through me, bringing images of Walker to mind—his intense eyes, the commanding set of his shoulders, the way my name sounds in his rich, deep voice. Heat creeps up my neck, but I push those thoughts aside. Mom doesn't need to know about the inappropriate crush I have on my boss.

“Work's great, Mom. And school... I'm doing really well in my classes.”

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