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“Damn,” I mutter under my breath, turning the screen off. For a brief second, I question the control I've always taken pride in, now teetering dangerously close to the edge because of one woman. One incredible woman who doesn't even realize the hold and power she has over me.

“Get it together,” I say to myself, knowing full well that this dangerous game of attraction and need was one I planned on playing, but that seems to be backfiring on me somehow. As the image of Isla's pretty face glowing with enthusiasm lingers in my mind, I can't help but wonder if this game will be worth the risk.

I'm still bent forward with my elbows on the desk when the knock comes, a sharp sound that pulls me from the brink of fantasies of Isla. I straighten up, adopting the composed mask I've mastered over the years. The door opens and Alex strides in, confidence rolling off him in waves, the very image of a man who's conquered his world just as I have mine.

“Alex!” My voice is steady, betraying none of the concerns or doubts lingering in my thoughts. I rise to my feet, feeling the power of my own presence as I meet him halfway.

“Man, it's been too long!” His grin is infectious, even to me, and I can't help but return the expression with a brief flash of warmth.

“It sure has,” I say, gripping his hand in a firm shake that speaks of mutual respect between two men. His grip is solid, grounding, a reminder of the life I've built from the shadows of my past—a past he knows all too well.

“Look at this place,” he says, gesturing around my office with a whistle of appreciation. “You've really done something here, haven't you?”

I glance around, wondering if he’s making fun of me. He seems to catch my thoughts and he gives a wide smile. “I mean, the office sucks, but the rest of the place is amazing.”

That sounds more honest, and I nod. “I’m trying to.” I allow a hint of pride to seep into my voice. It's not often I allow myself a pat on my own back, but Alex has always had the knack of peeling back my layers.

“Still got the magic touch with the ladies, I see,” he teases, a knowing look in his eye that suggests he knows more about the business and isn’t fooled.

“Business is business,” I say smoothly, brushing off his words while my mind refuses to stray far from Isla. There's a heat there, a need that's been awakened, one that's got nothing to do with the usual games I play or my typical type of encounter.

“Always about the business.” Alex claps me on the shoulder as he takes a seat. “But don't forget to live a little, eh?”

“Living's what I do best.” Even as I say the words, the hollowness of them doesn't escape me—not when every cell in my body screams for a taste of something genuine, something... Isla. I want Isla.

“Good to hear. So, what's new?” Alex leans back, comfortable and at ease, the complete opposite of the tension winding up tighter and tighter within me.

“New bartender started today,” I say, watching his reaction closely. He raises an eyebrow, a silent question hanging between us. But when I don’t respond, he gives a safe answer.

“Ah, business expanding then? That’s a good sign.” He nods, content with the surface details, unaware or uncaring of the undercurrents running beneath. But he’s never been one to pry, and I like that about him.

“Expansion's always the goal,” I say, my mind flickering back to Isla, her bright ideas offering a way for me to change things up and maybe keep growing this place. “Always.”

“Speaking of which,” Alex says, leaning forward, his demeanor shifting, “heard any interesting proposals lately?”

“Actually, yes.” I find myself eager to discuss anything that ties back to Isla, which is something I need to get under wraps sooner rather than later. “I’ve got some fresh ideas that could change the game.”

“Is that so?” Interest piques in his eyes, and I realize that despite everything, talking shop with Alex grounds me, brings me back to the core of who I am—the businessman, the strategist, the man who turned nothing into an empire.

“Tell me more,” he says, and I do.

As we dive into discussions of strategy and innovation, Isla continues to haunt my thoughts. She’s a constant reminder of the game I'm playing—and the stakes that are getting higher by the minute.

Chapter Ten


I don’t even notice how hot the water is as I watch Cara. With a deliberate sway of her hips, she moves past Walker in the space behind the bar, brushing against him with an intimacy that sends a jolt through me. She didn’t have to do that – she chose to do that. There was plenty of space for her to get through without touching him, but she seems desperate to get and keep his attention.

He catches her eye, and there's a momentary pause—a silent exchange I don’t understand before she leans in closer to him, touching his shoulder with one hand and leaning forward in a way that puts her impressive cleavage on display. Her laughter tinkles like expensive crystal, but it's the look in her eyes – bright, hungry, and a touch gleeful – that has my stomach twisting up in angry knots.

“Can't stand it, can you?” I mutter under my breath, my hands submerged in sudsy water, washing glasses on autopilot.

The cups pile up like Cara's obvious attempts to charm Walker, and I glance back over at them. Every little touch and contact between them stirs up the inexplicable rising tide of anger within me. My fingers grip a cup a little too hard, scrubbing at a non-existent stain. Why does she get under my skin? Why do I care if she's setting her sights on Walker? It’s not like he’s mine or anything – I have a boyfriend.

“Stop being stupid,” I whisper, upset at myself for the unwanted jealousy that keeps lancing through my chest and belly. It's ridiculous. Walker's just my boss. It doesn’t matter that he’s a bad boy with too much power and not enough smiles, except when Cara’s around.

I grumble under my breath, glancing at the cups that should be being washed by those delicate hands of hers—hands that have done nothing but touch Walker or accentuate her own body, or trying to seduce all day, while I'm stuck here cleaning up after her.

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