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“He’s… sweet,” Amber says, her eyes scanning my face as if searching for something more convincing than my almost dismissive compliment. She doesn't press further, though, instead, she slides a shot toward me with a raised eyebrow.

“Drink up. It'll help you forget Mr. Tall, Dark, and Murderous.”

At my expression, she offers a playful shrug. “What? He was in a gang, what are the odds he hasn’t killed someone?” Her tone is light and teasing, but her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes. And I know exactly what she’s doing - she’s trying to make me afraid of Walker, so I reconsider any feelings I’m having for the man.

She doesn't need to do that. I’m faithful to Chase. Even Walker can’t tempt me away from the good thing I’ve got going. I won’t let him or anyone else come between me and the man I’m going to marry.

I take the shot, feeling the liquid fire burn all the way down my throat, before searing through my veins. But even as the warmth spreads through my chest, I think about Walker’s tender look, his warm eyes. And I force my thoughts back to Chase, because he’s the one I’m with, the one I love. This infatuation with Walker… it’ll pass. What Chase and I have, that’s real. And I’d be stupid to throw it away for anyone else.

“So, are you two gonna tie the knot anytime soon?” Her words are casual, as if the sting of the alcohol did nothing to her. I don’t drink a lot, but I need a minute to recover.

“Maybe,” I murmur, feeling like gasoline fumes are coming out of my mouth. “I hope so.”Chase is everything I want, and I love him. I have since we were kids.

A man lifts a hand and I nod at Amber. As I turn away and busily attend to a customer's request for a refill, my fingers wrap around the cool glass, but it does nothing to chill the heat within me. “I’d hate to see the other guy,” the old man says, gesturing at the bruise on my face, and I let out a laugh.

I wouldn’t hate to see the other guy. My thoughts run wild, as the image of Walker invades my mind once more, unbidden and unwelcome.


One month later…

A sudden silence fills the place and something electric tingles through me. I glance up, only to see Walker at the front doors, flanked on both sides by the very bouncers that had thrown him out last night.Close behind him is another man – one I don’t recognize, but who seems almost as imposing as Walker himself.

Confusion fills me as I notice the bouncers both have expressions of discomfort and frustration. My heart catches, then begins to pound as Walker’s gaze sweeps the space. He stands, framed by the doorway, his posture threatening, and when his eyes find mine, something crackles between us.

The world fades to a blur, the background noise droning into silence. It's just him and me, locked in a moment that seems fleeting and forever. Then, his gaze tears away from me to land on Daniel, who's been watching Walker’s every movement with narrowed eyes.

Walker strides forward and Daniel tenses beside me. I see Amber glance over her shoulder at him, then see her give a double-take before glancing at me and mouthing is that him? I nod in response. Oh my god, she mouths, putting a hand on the side of her face as if to hide from him. He’s hot!

With every step, Walker exudes power, and when he reaches the counter, without hesitation, he speaks, his voice low and dangerous. “Daniel, you're fired.”

The laughter that erupts from Daniel is sharp, disbelieving. He crosses his arms over his chest, a smirk twisting his lips. “You can't be serious.”

“Oh, I’m serious,” he says, gesturing to the bouncers. “I own this place now, and you’re no longer employed.”

Daniel’s smile vanishes as the men approach. “I’ll walk out, thanks,” he says, before glaring at Walker. “I don’t know what you did, but I’m going to make sure you regret this.”

The corners of Walker’s lip twitch. “I hope you do,” he says in an even tone that sends a shiver down my spine.

Daniel leaves, followed by the bouncers, and I can see Amber watching Walker with her mouth hanging open and I want to say, See? I told you so! This guy is impossible to ignore!

The silence stretches out as everyone - patrons, me, Liam - stare at him.

Walker surveys the room, his voice slicing through the silence like a blade. “Anyone else have a problem?” he asks in that low tone that’s unexpectedly threatening. No one dares to meet his gaze.

I'm rooted in place, my pulse dancing wildly in my throat. Part of me is exhilarated by the thought of him as my boss—Walker, the man who watches me with a fierce intensity, the man who commands the room just by standing there.

But the image of Daniel's abrupt firing brings my little fantasy to a halt. The way he was escorted out, no explanations, no second chances—it sends a chill down my spine. So much for job security.

My hands tremble slightly as I grab a rag, trying to wipe down the counter but finding the motion impossible. Walker's presence fills the space, and no one has a damn thing to say to him.

He hasn't even glanced my way since that initial connection when he first stepped in, but I'm acutely aware of him, every inch of my skin prickling with the knowledge that he’s close, and now he’s my boss.

“Good,” Walker says after a moment that feels like forever, his voice echoing in the quiet bar. “I expect professionalism and dedication from my staff. If that's going to be a problem for anyone, speak now.”

But who would dare?

The silence answers for us.

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