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“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’d be helping me out. It’s a prototype. I could use someone else to test it before I make one for Asher.”

“We’ll discuss it later,” Dana said. Have Levi here, alone with her in her apartment for hours installing the thing? No. No freakin’ way.

“Do you mind if I unplug it?”

Dana rolled her eyes. “You’re paranoid. But fine, go ahead.” He did so and she reached for her phone to make a couple of notes. “You say you’ve talked to Harlan Sullivan about having his construction company handle the remodeling?”

“Yes. There’s no other builder I’d trust to do it.”

Dana nodded. “I’ve been impressed with their work on the airport.”

“Good thing since he’s Travis’s brother. But yes, he does an excellent job. He handled the work I had done on my house when I bought it.”

“When can I see the house? The sooner the better if you want to get started right away.”

“Is today too soon?”

“No, that’s fine.”

“How much is this new project going to cut into your work on the airport?”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m close to being finished unless Zack and Travis come up with more for me to do.”

“Good, but I realize the airport will take precedence at times.”

“I should be able to do both with no problem.”

Levi got up. “All right, then. I’ll meet you at my house.”

“Give me a few minutes to shower and change and I’ll be over.” She saw his eyes change, turn dark and hot. And she knew exactly what he was remembering. Bad idea. Don’t think about that.

“Dana?” His expression changed to one of discomfort. “Thank you. I—it’s important to me to be able to do this for my brother.”

“I understand and you’re welcome. I’ll see you in a bit.” She shut the door after he left, turned around and slid down with her back to the door to sit on the floor. Memories bombarded her. Yes, memories of their lovemaking, but also of the sheer joy of simply being together. They’d had fun. Levi had always understood her, like no one else. He understood what her career meant to her. He understood what made her tick. At least, she’d believed he had. But maybe that had been wishful thinking.

God, she’d missed him.

Could she really work with Levi on a purely professional level? And if she couldn’t…he’d break her heart. And she’d never totally gotten over him the first time.

Chapter Two

Levi remembered the last time he and Dana had been together for any length of time. A little over a year ago, after Dana left Florida, she moved to San Antonio and had contacted him. He’d met her for dinner and drinks and they’d done what they always did when they saw each other. They’d fallen into bed. But the following day they both admitted it wasn’t going to work. Partly due to old issues they’d never resolved. Sex, dynamite sex, was the way they’d always settled their problems. Unfortunately, that way hadn’t really worked in the past and it didn’t work in the present. So they resolved not to see each other.

And then, six months later, she accepted the airport job and moved to Whiskey River, at least for the duration of that project.

He remembered being pissed. Remembered going to her apartment and asking her what the hell they were supposed to do with her remodeling the airport and living in Whiskey River. As usual, they wound up in bed together again.

They’d known after that one night together. No matter how fantastic the sex was, the two of them had far too much baggage to make it as a couple. So they swore, once again, to have nothing to do with each other.

They’d managed. It had been hell at times for Levi. He wasn’t sure how it had been for Dana. But she wasn’t dating anyone. He’d made it his business to find that out. He shouldn’t have. Knowing she wasn’t involved with anyone else only made him wonder if she still had feelings for him. Because he sure as hell still had feelings for her.

Then Asher got injured and all bets were off. Because Levi would have talked to the devil himself if it meant he could help Asher. Not that Dana was the devil. No she was a siren. An appealing, sexy, tempting-as-sin siren.

A little to his surprise, Levi was nervous about showing Dana his house. It hadn’t bothered him before when his friends gave him shit about only fixing up a few rooms of the place. He fixed up what he needed and blew off the rest, figuring he’d take care of the remainder if and when he needed it.

But to have Dana looking at it was another matter.

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