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“Congratulations but that’s not exactly shocking news. You’ve been living together for months now. Come on,” Levi said, leading the way to the den. He’d always called it the den and Dana agreed the word fit the room best. Once there he took out a couple of beers, handed Travis one and put the rest in the refrigerator.

“We set a date. A week from this coming Saturday.”

Levi rubbed his jaw. “Well, when you make up your mind you don’t mess around. Why so soon?” A possible reason for haste dawned on him. “Is Tobi pregnant?”

Travis laughed. “No, nothing like that. Like you said, we’ve been together for months. This is making it official.”

“We should toast,” Levi said, holding up his beer. “To you and Tobi.”

They tapped beer cans and Travis continued, “The ceremony is going to be at our house, so it will be small. Then we’ll have a blow-out party-slash-reception at Blue, the restaurant at the winery.”

“That’s a great place.”

“Yeah, it’s one of our favorites. They had a cancellation for a party they were hosting that night, so we took it. Seemed like it was meant to be. Well, except Tobi’s mother and my mother kind of had a stroke because we’re going to have to email the invites to the reception. Apparently, since Laurel and Zack didn’t give Mom enough time to mail invites to their wedding she’s decided I can’t do that to her again. We were going to call people for the ceremony but the moms talked us into sending mail invites for that. Tobi’s at home addressing them right now.”

“Which is why you’re here.”

Travis tried to look innocent. “My handwriting sucks.”

“Tobi’s a doctor. Her handwriting probably sucks too.”

Travis laughed. “True, but someone has to do it. But that’s not the only reason I came over.”

“Okay, why did you then?”

“Will you stand up for me? Harlan is going to be my best man but I’d like you and Zack to stand up with me too.”

“Sure. Thanks for asking me.” He and Travis shook hands and Levi clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m happy for you two, Travis.” Marriage. Almost everyone he knew was getting married or was already married.

“Thanks. I can’t believe it’s finally going to happen.”

Dana came in to the den carrying two large white paper sacks. “I brought Chinese. Oh, hi, Travis. I thought that was your truck. There’s plenty if you want to stay.”

“Thanks but I’ve got plans with Tobi.” He made a face. “Writing out invitations. Aren’t you working pretty late?”

Levi and Dana exchanged a glance and Levi lifted his shoulders. “She’s not working.”

“Oh, then—Oh,” Travis repeated, his expression clearing. “I get it.”

“You always were quick,” Levi commented dryly.

Travis ignored that comment. “Dana, I was just telling Levi that Tobi and I are getting married a week from Saturday.”

“Congratulations! That’s wonderful, Travis.”

“Thanks. We’re pretty pumped about it. You’re invited to the ceremony as well as the reception. Levi can tell you the details but you should get an invite in the mail for the ceremony. Gotta go.” He winked at Levi. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“I didn’t know there was anything you wouldn’t do,” Levi said.

“There is that,” Travis said with a grin. “Don’t get up. I’ll show myself out.”

Dana began taking paper boxes and covered plastic dishes from the sacks and putting them on his coffee table. “Don’t you have something to put this stuff on so it won’t ruin the table?”

The table was one of Gabe Walker’s creations. Made of a beautiful oak with a blue resin “river” bisecting it, the table was, like all of Gabe’s work, unique. “It’s covered with epoxy resin. Nothing’s going to hurt it. Well, unless you take an axe to it. That would probably mess it up.”

“I should have thought of that. It’s a gorgeous table.” She ran a hand over the smooth top.

“Gabe’s work always is,” Levi told her.

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