Page 62 of Texas Cowgirl

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“Of course. Is it serious?”

“I don’t know. Travis called me and he was clearly rattled. He said he was on the phone with him when it happened. I don’t even know if he’s conscious or not.”

“Travis called you?”

“Yes. He wanted me to talk to Grandma K but I can’t tell her anything until we know—until we know—” She couldn’t finish the sentence. Oh, God, what if it was worse than Travis was telling her? “What if he—”

Marshall grabbed her by the shoulders. “Stop it. Whatever you’re thinking, just stop. You have to think positively. He’ll be all right.”

“I hope you’re right.” Because the alternative didn’t bear thinking of.

“Are you okay to drive?”

“I’m fine. I’ll call you when I know something.” She was anything but fine. Why did it take something terrible to happen before she could admit she loved Nate and didn’t care that he’d lied to her? Because she had lied too. Lied by omission. Just like Nate had.


Whiskey River hospital was a small hospital not too far out of town. It had been around a long time, even longer than the Jamison in Last Stand. Although it was small, the ER department was considered one of the best for a small hospital. In fact, the entire hospital had a very good rating for its size. She’d checked. Plus, if the doctors at Whiskey River thought Nate needed care they couldn’t give him they would transfer him to a larger hospital.

At least, that’s what she hoped.

She walked into the ER and saw Travis sitting in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. He got up and walked over to meet her when he saw her.

“How is he? Have you seen him?”

“Yes, not long ago. They’re not sure of the extent of his injuries. At the least it looks like a broken arm and a couple of broken ribs. They’re checking to see if he has a concussion.”

“A concussion? Is that bad? I mean, I know it’s bad but what does it mean?”

“Depends on how severe it is. He thinks he lost consciousness but if he did it wasn’t for long.” He ran a hand over his forehead. “And don’t ask me what that means because I don’t know.”

“Where’s Tobi?”

“She’s with him and Dr. Farraday, the ER doctor. Dr. Farraday is supposed to come talk to us soon.”

“Can I see him?”

Travis looked doubtful. “I don’t know. Right now it’s family only.”

Damaris resisted reminding Travis he wasn’t family either. “Grandma K is his only family here. I’m his fiancée. I should be able to see him.”

Travis frowned. “That’s not the way I heard it. Nate was pretty clear you’d blown him off.”

“I didn’t blow him off.”

Travis shrugged. “Potato-potahto.”

She ground her teeth before managing to answer. “Fine, I’m not his fiancée anymore, but the hospital doesn’t need to know that. Besides, we broke up like five minutes ago.”

“Try over a week.”

Great. Travis was not going to cut her a break. She couldn’t honestly blame him. He was Nate’s friend, after all. God only knew what Nate had told him about their breakup. And she’d only gotten a call because Travis hadn’t known what to do about Grandma K. Thank God he’d thought to call her, though.

“What did he look like when you saw him?”

“Like he’d been in a wreck. He looked like hell. How do you think he looked?”

“I realize you don’t like me at the moment, but I still care about Nate. And if I’m going to tell Grandma K anything, I need to see him. Can you or Tobi at least ask him if he wants to see me?”

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