Page 43 of Texas Cowgirl

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“Yes, yes, and yes. And that’s all the details you’re getting.”


“There’s a problem, though.”

Hazel cocked her head, waiting for her to go on.

“I think I’m developing feelings for him. You know, more than just sexual feelings.”

“You mean you’re falling for him?”

Damaris nodded. “I’m afraid so.”

“It’s about damn time. How does Nate feel?”

“I’m not sure.” But she was. She was afraid he was falling in love with her. Or thought he was, anyway. “But I’m afraid he wants more than friendship.” Oh, hell, she was more afraid she wanted more. She thought about Nate telling her he hadn’t had sex in months. Which jibed with what Hazel had heard.

“Why afraid? He sounds like a sweetheart. I really liked him when we went out. I’d have gone again in a heartbeat.”

“He’s great. But the sex is new. I don’t know whether it’s just the newness that’s making it so…” Unbelievable? Amazing? Addictive? She settled on, “So exciting or if it’s going to wear off. But the thing is…” How to put this? She did not want to go into her whole history. God, she’d been trying to forget it since it happened. “I had a bad—no, a disastrous relationship a long time ago. And ever since then I’ve had a hard time trusting any man. Other than my family, of course.”

“You trusted Nate enough to sleep with him.”

“I know. And obviously, I do trust him to some extent. I’ve always been attracted to him. I mean, look at the man. And he’s been a good friend.” Lately she’d realized, though, that while Nate listened to her problems and offered advice when he thought it would help, he rarely talked about his problems. He had to have some, didn’t he?

“Which is why you set him up with other women. Oh, that makes perfect sense,” Hazel said dryly.

“I did that so I wouldn’t be tempted. Nate is exactly the type of man I don’t want to fall for and I can see myself doing it.” Especially now that they’d slept together. She was an idiot.

“What type of man is that?”

“A player. Nate’s a player. You know he is.”

“Maybe. But maybe he just hasn’t met the woman he can fall for. Or he hadn’t until you.”

“If that’s true, then why did he wait so long to do anything about it? And then only by chance. The whole thing with his grandma just came up out of the blue.”

“You’ll have to ask him that question. But it doesn’t sound like pure chance to me.”

He’d planned it? She thought about that. Having talked to Grandma K, and knowing her, she didn’t think his grandma’s desire to see Nate happy with a nice woman was manufactured. Nate was the one who’d come up with the fake girlfriend/fiancée idea, however. But he’d been truly shaken that his grandmother had behaved so out of character.

Grandma K was all in, however. She seemed to think Damaris was the perfect woman for her grandson, but then Grandma didn’t know Damaris’s history. Neither did Nate.

“By the way, he doesn’t know that I told you the truth.”

“Why? Are you afraid he’ll flip out?”

“No, but he really doesn’t want it to get back to his grandmother. Which is why I can’t tell anyone in my family.”

“Well, I won’t tell him. Not that I see him much anyway.” She looked toward the entrance. “Don’t look now,” Hazel said. “Guess who just walked in.”

“Nate.” She sat with her back to the door but she turned around at Hazel’s words. She couldn’t help smiling at him. He was smiling too as he reached their table.

“Hi, Damaris.” He nodded to Hazel. “Hi, Hazel. Mind if I join you?”

Damaris scooted over and he sat beside her. “Should we flag down the waitress?”

“No need. I’m just here to pick up an order for the guys at the airport.”

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