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He was desperate to reach out for her, to hold on to her and make sure she never left him. But he couldn’t. It was up to her.

He thought his heart would break. Then, something miraculous happened. Instead of walking out through the door, she closed it, and the sound of voices receded. Slowly, she turned to face him. “There. That’s better,” she said.

“Youmight think so. But your family might think otherwise. It’s not usual for an unmarried woman to be out of sight of her family. Not usual for a beautiful, single woman to be alone with a man.”

“It doesn’t matter in this case.”

“Really? And why is that?”

“Because I don’t intend to leave this room a single woman. I intend to leave it as a woman who is engaged to be married.” She walked toward him with the gait of a woman confident that she was loved. “Will you, Kadar, take me, Sarah, to be your wife?”

He swallowed and nodded. It seemed all that was required of him. He enjoyed watching Sarah take over control.

“And do you, Kadar, promise to be faithful to me, and to be with me throughout our lives together, caring for each other, loving each other, respecting each other, trusting each other?”

He nodded again.

“Excellent. Then I think we can seal our engagement with a kiss.”

She cupped his cheeks and pressed her body to his.

He lightly touched her lips before she could kiss him. “There’s only one thing you need to know.”

“And that is?” she asked breathlessly.

“That there will still be times and places where I exert my authority.”

“Is that right?” Her beautiful lips curled into a smile, which nearly made him forget what he was saying. But this was too important.


“And when and where might these places be?” she asked.

“Do you really need to ask?”

She blushed and nodded.

“When we are alone and making love. Then you will cede control to me.”

She raised an imperious eyebrow. “And you really believe I will allow that?”

“Oh, I won’t have to ask for it,” he said. “And you, my love, will be begging me to take it.”

She laughed then, and he kissed her.

Eventually they emerged hand in hand, and raised their joined fists, Sarah laughing and showing off the ring which he’d placed on her finger. The place erupted into roars of laughter and shouts of congratulation as Sarah was hugged first by her cousin and then all the other women. Cautiously at first, the men—unused to being overly familiar with someone who, until the day before, had been king—clapped him on the back and congratulated him. Drinks and more food appeared, and soon music was added to the celebratory atmosphere.

It reminded him of when he’d lived with his uncle and he’d entertained family and friends in the traditional way. It was real. It was far from his old life in the palace. And, for the first time, he almost felt sorry for his brother for whom an arranged marriage loomed, as well as managing the politics, their errant mother, and a difficult economy. But then Sarah gripped his hand and smiled at him, and he knew he could have done nothingdifferent. His brother would be just fine. Besides, he’d do his bit too. He’d make sure that at least one of his country’s problems was no longer. The Al-Farraq tribe. Because he would be one of them.


Sarah knew that the wedding ceremony had to be traditional. But a part of her couldn’t help wishing that she and Kadar were back in England where a quickie registry office wedding could be had without any drama so they could resume their life immediately.

But it wasn’t to be. As she sat listening to the long speeches, admiring the finery of her cousins and second cousins and their second cousins, she realized that deep down, she was glad. Because here she was surrounded by the family she’d never known she’d had, in a place she’d never known was home, with a man she loved, heart and soul. Her future was here now, even if it took her a little time to get used to the customs of this land. But she would.

She glanced at Kadar’s brother—Zak—who looked every inch the monarch and every inch the playboy—a reputation which was apparently well earned. It seemed he was happy to marry the neighboring sheikha who had originally been promised to Kadar. She didn’t understand such arrangements, but then there was still much she didn’t understand about this country. So long as Kadar was beside her, she knew she’d spend her life trying.And, if she didn’t understand, she was happy to accept the differences.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and touched her belly briefly before remembering and withdrawing her hand. Luckily, the baby bump wasn’t yet showing and only a handful of people knew their secret. She sighed. She couldn’t wait until they were alone together, where she could show him exactly how much she loved him.

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