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“They’re telling me to stop talking and get closer to you.”

He let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. “How close?”

“Your body inside mine.”

His mouth dried, and his erection hardened. “That’s close.”

“Are you hungry?” she asked, glancing at the food, which had remained untouched.

“Not for food.”

“Then shall we skip dinner?”

He nodded and rose. His chair pushed back onto the ground with a clatter, and he took her hand and walked toward the door. The starry skies were no longer required for romance or lingering kisses. They both knew what they wanted. And they needed to go somewhere where they could get it.


With the reassurance that Kadar was a totally different man to his father, the last of Sarah’s barriers slipped away. While she felt a shred of guilt over this, she believed her grandfather would have understood. He’d raised her to see the many shades of gray in a person. Nothing was black and white. And Kadar certainly wasn’t.

She only had a few days, maybe a few weeks at most, before her passport was sorted and she could travel independently in search of her family. And the thought of doing something just for herself with this gorgeous man was irresistible.

And when he took her hand in his—strong and commanding—any lingering doubts were swept away. She wanted his certainty; she wanted what he could give her.

They hurried through a series of elegant rooms before he opened a door and stepped back for her to enter.

“These are your rooms?” She looked around with surprise at the bland decor, the lack of personal touches or photos. Only a few computer screens and electronic gadgets indicated that anyone lived there, and that it was likely to be a man.

“Yes,” he said, drawing her into his arms. “I hope you haven’t come with me,” he said, his eyes roving over her face beforesettling on her lips, which he brushed with his finger, “simply to critique my rooms.”

She laughed. “No, but I guess I’m just surprised. They don’t reflect you at all. I wouldn’t have said you lived here, that it’s not your home.”

He shrugged. “It’s a place, aprivateplace, and that,” he said, cupping her face in his hands, “is all I’m interested in right now.”

He pressed his lips to hers, and she promptly forgot her interest in why he didn’t seem to fit into his surroundings, consumed by the power of those persuasive lips.

The kiss deepened, and she reached around him and spread her fingers over his back, slipping lower and pulling him harder against him. He needed no more encouragement and thrust his hips against hers so she could feel the length of his hard erection pressed against her. She gasped under his mouth and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against hers, holding her head in his hands as if scared she would move away. But there was no way she was going anywhere.

“Sarah,” he said. “You are…”

“What?” she smiled.

Whatever he was about to say, it seemed he changed his mind. He shot her an answering smile. “You are wearing too many clothes.”

She laughed. “As are you.”

“Turn around,” he growled and her smile fell as her body reacted instinctively to his command. She did as he instructed, wanting to do exactly as he told her to do because she knew it would give her pleasure.

He moved aside the tendrils of hair which had escaped the clip and she gasped as she felt his lips press against the back of her neck. His warm breath sent shivers down her back, snaking into her gut, triggering flutters of sensation inside of her. Thenhe swept down the zip and slipped the dress off her shoulders. He unhooked her bra, and it fell to the floor on top of the dress.

He didn’t try to reach around and touch her. Instead, he released her and stepped away. The next move had to be hers.

She swallowed and turned around to face him. She should be blushing. She should be consumed by embarrassment, but any trace of coyness vanished as she saw the appreciation in his eyes. His gaze gave her the confidence to step forward and take what she wanted. Dressed only in a g-string and her heels, she walked up to him, rolled onto her tiptoes and cupped his cheeks as he’d done hers. This time it was her taking control of the kiss, caressing his tongue as she slid her hands beneath his shirt, melting into him as her fingers splayed over his muscles and sinew, exploring his body as he did hers.

At first he touched her gently, as if he couldn’t believe she was standing practically naked in front of him, but then, as his breathing quickened, so did his hands as they moved around her bottom, pulling it against him. Making it clear what he wanted.

“Your breasts,” he murmured, his mouth closing in on them, “I’ve missed them.”

She half-laughed, half-gasped as his tongue found its target. “In one day?”

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