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Trying to sleep was a challenge at best. Dawn’s whimpers and thrashing in her sleep kept me awake most of the night. Seeing her tormented by nightmares broke my heart. I was trying to keep her comfortable so she could have time to heal. I had given her an IV with fluids and antibiotics as soon as I got her settled in the bed. I have been giving her pain meds through her IV. She has been sleeping for the better part of three days. She wakes up long enough to go to the bathroom and I have been struggling to get her to drink protein shakes since she refuses to eat. Her brother has been by the house a couple times trying to get her to go home with him. She has refused every time and barely says a word to him. Seeing my friend racked with guilt makes my gut clench. He adores his baby sister and has spoiled her the best he could. When she asked to go to school in California, he was hesitant at first, but she had earned a full ride with scholarships and grants, so Gears relented and let her go.He went to see her as often as possible, and she came home for the holidays.

The last time she came home for Christmas we had a huge celebration at the clubhouse. It was then that I realized how much she had grown up and how beautiful she was. Dawn was smart as a whip, very witty, funny and gorgeous. She had her brother’s dark hair and eyes. She was tall and full figured the way I liked my women. I felt ashamed that I was entertaining these thoughts about my buddy’s sister, but she was undeniably attractive. I had caught her looking at me off and on through Christmas dinner and during the party afterwards. I was trying not to act on my desires, so I tried to stay on the other side of the room. She managed to sit by me during the gift exchange and I had to put a pillow in my lap at one point when she kept leaning close to me to watch the children open their gifts. Her scent clouded my head, it was something floral like fresh honeysuckles on the fence. Her breasts pressed against my arm had my full attention. When her hair brushed my arm, I couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel sliding down my chest. It was then I excused myself saying I needed to go to the hospital to check on a couple of my patients. I remember her looking at me a little funny and a look of disappointment crossed her lovely face.

I have been having another doctor help cover my cases for the last several days while I stayed home to take care of her. I really needed to get to the hospital to take care of some business. Katherine, one of the doctors and Fang’s sister, was off today so she had agreed to come by and sit with Dawn while I went to work for a few hours.

I made up the cot and pushed it against the wall then went to wake Dawn up. She needed to get used to being awake some during the day and I really wanted to get her to eat some real food.

“Babydoll, you need to wake up. Katherine will be here in about half an hour, and I’d like to get you to eat something. We can start with something light this morning.” She opened her eyes and let out a sigh. “I’ll fix you some toast with a cheese omelet. You need to get some food in your system.”

“I’m not hungry.” She protested as her stomach growled giving her away. Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she looked away. I wasn’t going to let her get away with that.

“You can start eating solid food or I’ll put it in a feeding tube. I can guarantee you won’t enjoy that at all.” I knew I had to be firm with her. If I had let Gears take her home, he would have coddled her, giving in to whatever she wanted. That was not going to help her to recover.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She hissed at me, her eyes flashing with anger. “I’ll tell my brother.”

“You can do that but when I tell him how you are refusing to eat and how weak that will keep you, I’m sure he will be on my side.” I told her smugly. I was secretly thrilled to see some fire back in her personality. That was a good sign. I knew there was a fighter in her somewhere. I took some bloodwork, and had it couriered to the hospital. It came back clean. No signs of pregnancy either.

“Fine, I’ll eat breakfast.” She said exasperated at me. As I walked out of the room, I heard her whisper ‘Asshole’. I just chuckled as I went to run through the shower and throw on clothes for work. I went to the kitchen to fix both of us an omelet and toast. As I carried the tray into her room, she looked up at me licking her lips.

“Can I have a shower?” she asked me, looking down at her hands. “I feel gross.”

“I put on waterproof bandages, so I don’t see a problem with that. Just a shower, no soaking in the tub. Katherine can stay inhere with you, so you are not alone.” Dawn looked at the plate in front of her and picked up the toast first, nibbling on it.

“Thank you for breakfast.” She whispered as she continued to eat. Once she had finished about a third of her omelet and a piece of toast she pushed the plate away. “I can’t eat anymore, I’m full.”

I took her plate and put the food on mine to finish it off. She smiled at that, but I knew she likely wouldn’t finish all of it. I heard a knock on the front door, so I got up to go answer it.

“Hey Doc, how is Dawn doing this morning?” Katherine asked as she peeked around me. I stepped back and gestured for her to come on in.

“Come in and see for yourself. I need to put our breakfast plates in the kitchen and head to the hospital. She mentioned wanting a shower, if you would not mind helping her, I think that would make her feel better. Sophie brought some of her clothes over.” I walked in to get the plates and saw Dawn sitting on the side of the bed. “What do you need Baby doll?”

“I need some privacy so I can go to the bathroom.” She snapped. I was again surprised by the fire that was back in her voice.

“Well alright. Katherine is here to help you and I’m headed out. Call me if you need me.” I said to them. Katherine offered me a sympathetic look and went into the bedroom.

Katherine was with Dawn so I figured I would check on a few patients and then take a nap in one of the on-call rooms before I go home later.



I didn’t want to admit it, but I felt a lot better after eating. What I really wanted now was to get clean. I felt self-conscious about what I must look and smell like. I know that Doc had given me a sponge bath after he brought me back and was checking over my more private injuries. I’m thankful I was mostly out of it for that exam. How embarrassing to have the man you have crushed on for years be the one to do that. I didn’t tell him I had been a virgin before that night. I let him think all the blood was just from the brutality of the rape. Honestly at this point I didn’t think I wanted to ever be touched like that again. I knew that position would be a trigger for me for sure. I eased off the bed and went to the bathroom to take care of business. I had some bruising on the inside of my thighs where hands had held me open and used me. Suddenly I was back in that room with the musky smells, the crying and screaming. I started to shake as thememories assaulted my mind. I slid down the wall to sit on the floor when I heard a knock at the bathroom door.

“Dawn, are you okay in there?” Katherine said softly. It snapped me out of it and then I vomited in the toilet. Seeing some washcloths on the counter I wet one down and held it against my face. “Dawn, let me in.”

“I’m fine, I’m going to shower then I’ll be out.” I yelled back. I didn’t want her to come in here and see me like this. I hated being seen as weak and I damn sure didn’t want them to continue looking at me like a victim. I was a survivor damn it! Doc had removed the IV this morning before we ate so I reached in and turned on the shower and stripped off the shirt I had been sleeping in. Once the water was warm enough, I climbed in and started to wash my hair. I was sore but I needed to move around so I didn’t get too stiff. The hot water felt like heaven on my skin. I scrubbed every inch of my body. I felt so dirty, like I would never be able to get rid of the feeling of their hands or their eyes on me. When everything was clean, I sat down on the bench and just enjoyed the steam from the shower. When it started to get cold, I turned off the water and got out. Wrapping the towel around my body I realized I forgot to get anything to put on. I looked in the mirror and I had some bruising on my face, neck and torso. It was starting to yellow. I looked for a comb or brush and found one in the drawer. I ran it through my hair trying to get the tangles out. I was exhausted now and just wanted clean clothes and to crawl back into bed.

I opened the door to the bathroom and saw Katherine had put fresh sheets on the bed and there were clothes laid out for me. She was sitting in the chair in the corner with her e-reader. She looked up at me and smiled.

“No need to be shy. I’m a doctor too. Sophie brought you some of your clothes. I found them in the drawer. I imagine you are wiped from the shower. It’s amazing how that will take it outof you when you have been in bed recovering for several days. If you like, I’ll braid your hair for you.” Katherine said softly. I noticed she made no move to come near me. Probably afraid I’d freak out. I knew Katherine pretty well since we both had brothers that were MC members. We were close in age but went to different schools. She was a little bit older than me but not much.

“I’d appreciate that. I thought about it, but I just don’t have the energy to do it.” I told her as I offered her a smile. After I was dressed, I sat down on the bed, and she sat behind me. Taking a comb from her purse and a ponytail holder she started to French braid my hair. I can’t remember the last time anyone did that for me. When she finished, she got up and sat back down in the chair. I crawled under the blankets and tried to get comfortable.

“I put some Tylenol and some ice water by the bed. You should probably take them so you can rest more easily. We figured the sooner we weaned you off the heavy pain medicine the better.” Katherine handed them to me, and I swallowed the pills and drank some of the water. “We do need to get something else on your stomach. I heard you throwing up. Did the food upset your stomach?”

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