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She smiles, a soft, genuine expression that lights up her face and eases the tension between us. “Exactly. We’re stronger together. Don’t forget that.” She takes a long, rattled breath before speaking again. “I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before. My mind doesn't work the way yours does. If this is going to work, we need to learn to communicate better. I need you to treat me like an equal partner, not a soldier who will blindly follow orders. We need to make decisions together.”

I nod, the wisdom of her metaphor finally helping me understand her perspective. “I don't ever want you to feel like I'm ordering you around. I'm sorry I treated you that way. You're right, we need to face these things together. Which means I also need you to trust me when I voice my concerns to you. And I'll try my best to give your opinions as much consideration as my own.”

Natalie nods, the broken threads of our bond stitching tightly together again. Then, unexpectedly, she leans in and kisses me. It’s a sweet gesture, filled with the promise of support and shared strength, reminding me that we’re in this together.

When we break apart, I start the car, feeling more determined than ever. The immediate next steps are clear: ensure Aria’s safety, support the police in their ongoing investigation, and keep Natalie close.



Julian turns the car into his driveway, the engine humming softly in the quiet afternoon. We can see Aria and her sitter through the kitchen window, safe and unbothered by the upsetting revelations of the morning.

Neither of us makes a move to get out right away. Sitting beside him, I feel a storm of emotions whirling inside me, each one threatening to spill over. Julian's hand finds mine, squeezing gently, his touch grounding in its familiarity.

Finally, he breaks the silence. "Let's go inside," he murmurs, his voice steady but filled with tension. We step out of the car, but we don't even make it to the walkway before Julian’s hands find my waist and pull me to him. His lips find mine in a kiss that is both a question and an answer, a clash of relief, fear, and desperate affection.

The taste of him is familiar—mint and a hint of coffee—and overwhelmingly comforting. His lips are insistent, and his hands frame my face, deepening the kiss as if trying to communicate everything through this one connection.

I respond with equal fervor, pouring all my worries, my love, and my fears into the kiss. The feel of him, solid and real and right here with me, anchors me amidst the turmoil.

In that overwhelming moment, something shifts inside me. Maybe it's the safety of being removed from the outside chaos, or perhaps it's the closeness of him, right here, where we belong. My defenses crumble, and the confession escapes me without thought.

"I'm pregnant," I blurt out, the words slicing through the thick air between us as our lips part.

Julian freezes, his eyes wide as he processes what I've just said. The confusion on his face cuts through me, and instantly, I regret letting the words slip out in such a raw, unguarded moment.

Had I planned to tell him? Yes. But not like this, not amid so much chaos, when we're both grappling with threats and fears.

I step back slightly, my heart racing, worried that I've just added another layer of complication we aren't ready to handle. "I—I didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry," I stammer, my voice barely above a whisper.

He's still for a long moment, just staring at me. Then, slowly, his expression shifts from confusion to a cautious intensity. "How long have you known?" he asks, his voice thick with a mix of emotions.

"A couple weeks," I admit, watching him carefully for any sign of how he might be taking the news. "I found out right before... when everything started getting really crazy."

Julian takes a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine, processing.

As I wait, holding my breath, the silence stretches out between us. Julian stands motionless, his eyes searching mine for a sign, perhaps, of what I need or want from him in this moment.

Then, abruptly, he closes the distance between us. His movement is almost startling, a sudden rush that brings him right up to me. Before I can react or even fully realize what's happening, his lips are on mine again. This kiss is different—it's desperate, charged with emotion and a fierce intensity that sends a shiver through me.

Between kisses, he speaks, his voice ragged with emotion. "I know I haven't been perfect," he admits, his breath warm against my skin. "I’m a mess, and short-tempered, and sometimes really stupid..." His words trail off for a moment as he presses his forehead against mine, his eyes closed as if gathering strength.

"I love you, Natalie. I love you so much." The words spill out with a sincerity that makes my heart swell, even amidst the whirlwind of emotions I'm feeling.

I melt into him, my arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer. His confession, his vulnerability—it breaks down the last of the walls I've been holding up between us. "I love you too, Julian," I whisper back, my voice steady despite the tears that prick at the corners of my eyes. "We’ll figure this out. Together."

His response is another kiss, this one tender and affirming, sealing our promise to each other amidst the chaos of our lives.

As we stand in his driveway, everything else fades into the background. The fears, the threats, even the uncertainty about the future—none of it matters in this moment. We have each other, and now more than ever, that feels like enough.

We break apart slightly, just enough to see each other's faces. Julian's eyes are intense, filled with a new resolve. "We're going to be a family," he says, a soft but firm declaration. "No matter what comes our way, we’re going to protect this family."

I nod, unable to speak, my heart full. Here, in Julian's embrace, I feel a sense of home, of certainty. Whatever challenges we may face, whatever the world might throw at us, we now have a foundation that won't easily be shaken.

“Well, well.” A new voice shatters our reverie, startling in its sudden appearance and bitter tone. “It seems congratulations are in order.”

Before I can look to see who it is, Julian suddenly pulls me behind him, placing himself as a barrier between me and the unknown figure. Carefully, I peek around his arm, ice shooting through my veins as my eyes land on the speaker.

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