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Julian brings one hand to the bed, the other cupping below my ass for more leverage. The angle changes, his cock hitting even deeper inside me, reaching the spot that sends me soaring.

“Natalie,” he moans against my skin, punctuated by a thrust that has my walls clenching. I see white, my whole body arching. It’s mere seconds before Julian bursts too. His warm come splatters my thighs as he pulls out, the two of us chase that intoxicating high together, falling over the edge at the same time.

Arms shaking, Julian collapses on top of me, his weight a steady comfort amidst the overwhelming sensation. After a moment, he rolls over, laying an arm across my stomach as he gazes at me. “Natalie,” he whispers again, almost as if he can't believe it's really me here beside him.

Hearing him speak my name so tenderly, in the aftermath of our shared passion, a profound realization dawns on me—I love him. The thought comes not with a shock, but with a certainty that settles deep within me.

I love Julian Rodriguez.

Lying beside me, Julian’s hand traces patterns on my skin, each touch sending aftershocks of pleasure through me. He leans in to kiss my collarbone gently, his lips soft against the sensitive skin, and I curl into him, my body molding to his in a perfect fit. His presence, his warmth, his nearness—it all feels like pieces of a puzzle clicking into place.

In this quiet afterglow, as I rest in the crook of his arm, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath, a wave of contentment washes over me.

Yet, beneath the surface of this bliss, a persistent thread of worry reappears, tugging at me.

My mind drifts to the pregnancy—the baby. The realization of my love for Julian only complicates the emotions swirling within me. How long can I keep this from him? How will he react when he learns of our impending parenthood? And will he be angry with me for not telling him sooner?

Yet, as I listen to Julian’s steady heartbeat and feel the gentle pressure of his lips on my skin, I find those worries being pushed aside. There will be time for confessions, for discussions and decisions. For now, in the quiet sanctuary of Julian’s embrace, I allow myself the solace of this connection, the simple joy of being with the man I love.

I’ll tell Julian about the pregnancy soon, and it will be a bridge we cross together. For now, I breathe in the scent of him, let the sound of his heartbeat anchor me, and revel in the love that, despite everything, feels like the most natural thing in the world.



Iawake to the soft light of early morning filtering through my curtains, casting a warm glow around my bedroom. Everything is the same as it's always been, the minimalist furniture, the pictures of Aria atop the dresser. But it feels completely different—lighter somehow—with Natalie lying beside me in my bed.

Memories of last night rush back: Natalie naked beneath me, all her walls down, our deep connection reaffirmed in our lovemaking again and again. She’s still asleep, her face relaxed and beautiful. A stray lock of golden hair rests across her cheek, dancing slightly in her easy breath that raises her bare chest. The sight fills me with a rush of affection, and I lean over to gently kiss her forehead, careful not to wake her.

I’d love for this moment to last forever—the two of us resting peacefully in the early morning light, safe and protected here in my room—but if I don't pull myself away now, I never will.

Carefully, I slip out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. In the shower, I let the cool water run over me, rivulets trailing down my tattoos like raindrops on stained glass. The fog of sleep leaves my mind, and I feel refreshed and ready for the day.

When I return to the bedroom, wrapped in a towel, Natalie is still asleep, looking peaceful and undisturbed. I dress quietly, and as I pull on my shirt, I check my phone for the first time since going to bed and notice a missed call.

It's an unsaved number. My curiosity piques, as does my concern. It could be one of the old acquaintances that I reached out to in my search for any tiny breadcrumb that might lead me to an answer.

My alert heightens, stomach clenching as I decide to return the call, and I try to steel myself for who might be on the other end of the line, what clues may be uncovered, or—most likely—only further disappointment.

Stepping out of the bedroom to avoid disturbing Natalie, I hit the call button, my heart rate climbing as I wait for the other end to connect.

"Hello?" The voice that answers is instantly recognizable despite the years of silence; a deep baritone that brings back a flood of memories from my military days.

“Hey, Mark. It’s Julian. Thanks for calling, man,” I say, momentarily relieved that the unfamiliar number belonged to a familiar person.

"Yeah, good to hear from you," he continues, though there's a hesitancy in his tone. "I got your email. What’s been going on?"

Something tightens in my chest, debating how much information I should share. “We've had a few incidents at my construction site; vandalism, threats. And there's a few things that just… Well, everything is pointing to Mason.”

The line is quiet for a moment, the only sound my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. “I was just wondering if you've heard anything about him,” I finally prompt, concerned by Mark's silence.

Mark's reply comes with a sigh, long and heavy. "Look, I don’t know all the details, but I do know Mason's been asking around about you. And not in a good way. Looking into your whereabouts or something. It doesn't sit right with me.”

It's my turn to pause, a chill creeping down my spine. My fears have been confirmed; all the coincidences involving Mason truly have been deliberate, targeted. He's been actively seeking me out.

"Thanks, Mark,” I finally manage. “I appreciate it. It’s getting pretty serious here. Every piece of information helps.”

"Stay safe, Julian. We both know how Mason can be. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. Not sure what I can do out here in Texas, but hey, I’ll try."

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