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As we lock up the site and prepare to leave, the bond between us feels stronger, fortified by our shared concerns and collective resolve to face whatever challenges might come our way. We walk to our cars, the earlier strain replaced by a quiet confidence in our partnership and what we can accomplish together.

Despite our attempts to maintain a sense of normalcy, the weight of the situation presses down on us as I buckle Aria into her car seat. I have to be sure Natalie will follow through, for all our sakes. "So, you'll contact the police?"

Natalie pauses, a thoughtful expression crossing her features as she considers our next steps. "Yes, the police for sure," she begins, then, catching the seriousness in my gaze, she lightens the mood with a playful suggestion, "Maybe we should hire a private investigator?" Her tone is teasing, a twinkle in her eye suggesting the absurdity of it.

I chuckle, though the idea doesn’t seem absurd to me at all given the dramatic nature of our predicament. "Does this town even have one of those?" The joke does its job, lightening the mood momentarily and bringing a smile to both our faces.

However, as the laughter fades, my protective instincts surge back to the forefront. I look at her intently, the lingering fear that someone out there means us harm causing my voice to tighten. "Natalie, promise me you’ll be careful," I say earnestly, needing to hear her assurance.

She nods, understanding the gravity behind my request. "I promise, Julian," she replies, her voice firm yet gentle, reassuring me that she takes the threat as seriously as I do.

Feeling a strange mix of relief and unresolved tension, I close Aria's door and lead Nat around to the back of the car. My hands find her waist, pulling her gently toward me.

"I'm going to hold you to that," I whisper just before leaning in to capture her lips with mine.

The kiss is deep and consuming, a fervent expression of my concerns, desires, and the growing affection between us. It's arousing, our bodies pressed close against the trunk of my car.

As our lips move in sync, the uncertainty around us melts away, grounding us in the respite of our newfound relationship. Natalie responds with equal passion, her hands sliding up to tangle in my hair, pulling me closer, deepening the kiss.

As we finally, reluctantly, break away, we are both breathless, our foreheads resting against each other, our breath mingling in the cool morning air.

"Take care of yourself," I murmur, the words a whispered vow against her lips.

"I will. You too, Julian," she replies, her voice soft, yet laced with a strength that reassures me she can handle whatever comes our way.

With one last lingering look, we slowly separate. I watch her climb into her car as I fold into mine, both of us starting our engines and heading for home.

“I'm sorry if that was kind of scary for you, sweetie,” I apologize to Aria, ready to help her begin processing the situation.

“Don't worry, Daddy,” Aria assures me in her strongest big-girl voice. “I'm not scared. I'm brave—just like Natalie!”

Her words, and the simple truthfulness of them, bring a smile to my face as they strengthen my determination. Whatever challenges lie ahead, I am resolved to face them. My girls—both of them—are going to be just fine, because we're all going to navigate the uncertain waters of our future together.



The first light of Monday morning brings with it a sense of unease. Even as I say goodbye to Aria and leave her with the sitter, the normalcy of my routine is hardly a comfort. Knowing she'll be safe at home, a small part of me relaxes, but the bulk of my concern still rests with Natalie and the situation we're embroiled in.

Pulling out of the driveway, I dial Natalie's number, needing to hear her voice, to know she's safe. She picks up after a couple of rings.

"Hey, Julian," Natalie's voice comes through, sounding calm but with an underlying tension that I've become all too familiar with these past days.

"Morning, Nat. Just wanted to check in. Are you okay?" I ask, trying to be a solid anchor for her despite my own anxiety.

"Yes, I'm at the building now with my team and a few of your guys," she replies. "We're all being careful. I’ve asked around, but so far, nobody knows anything. It’s like hitting a brick wall."

My grip tightens on the steering wheel, but I keep my voice level. "I’ve got two extra sitters on standby for a few days, just until we have better leads or the police make some headway. I don't want to have to bring Aria to the site again,” I explain, bridling the anger that rises at the reminder of my daughter's threatened safety.

"That sounds like a good idea," Natalie agrees. "How about you? Are you keeping safe too?"

"Don't worry about me, Nat. I'll be fine," I assure her, though my mind races through a dozen precautions I've yet to take for myself. "I’ll be there soon. Just want to make sure everything’s alright over there."

"Okay," she says, her voice a comforting balm amidst the churn of my anxieties. "See you soon."

We hang up, and as I drive towards the Langford, the weight of responsibility for both Natalie's and Aria’s safety settles heavily on me. The decision to ensure Aria has extra protection eases one concern, but the mystery of who might be targeting the project—and potentially anyone involved with it—has sweat beading on my forehead.

It's still fairly early as I pull into the site, and most of my guys haven't arrived yet. I need to talk to Gabriel before we get things started today, get on the same page and set up a game plan. Hopefully as my second in command he'll be able to take some of the load of off me.

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