Page 89 of Precipice

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I have no idea why she’s talking to me while I’m sleeping. I can’t imagine she’d let someone come into our room. Maybe it’s Cody. That would make sense. I want to cuddle with her. Why isn’t she lying on my chest like she normally does in the morning? Granted, if it is Cody, she’s likely sitting up to talk to him instead of continuing to lie on me.

Cody… Why does the thought of him make my heart race? Terror wants to take over my brain, but I’m too mellowed out for it to succeed… which is also strange. Why am I so mellow?

“Nolan? Baby, are you trying to wake up?”

Trying to wake up? I don’t understand. Why do my eyelids feel like they weigh a hundred pounds? Now my heart is racing for an entirely different reason. This isn’t normal. Something isn’t right. What’s wrong with me?

A soft hand runs down my cheek. “You’re okay. Take your time, and come back to me when you’re ready. Everything is going to be okay.” When Katie’s soft lips press against my forehead, I relax. Sleep takes me over without my permission. I want to ask her what’s going on. Something isn’t right. Something awful happened, but I can’t get my brain to tell me what. For now, I let the welcome oblivion claim me.

Awareness begins to creep over me. Something is pressing into my hand while voices surround me. It’s no longer just Katie—although, there could’ve been a million people around me, and I wouldn’t have known.

Fingers squeeze my hand, and I close it in response. My eyes flicker open, much easier this time than the last. Dim light illuminates the room, and it takes me a long moment to understand what I’m looking at.

I’m in the hospital. A memory sits in the back of my mind, waiting to explain why I’m here, but it’s just out of reach. My gaze locks on Katie. She looks exhausted. Dark circles mar her eyes, her hair is a mess on top of her head, and something in her gaze gives me the sense that she’s been to hell and back.

“What happened?” I whisper. My throat is dry, and I feel like I haven’t spoken in a week.

Katie frowns at me. “You don’t remember anything?”

I slowly shake my head no. She looks over her shoulder, and Adam comes up next to my bed. “Hey, little brother. Glad to see you awake.”

He looks almost as rough as Katie does. Something awful has happened, and I’m afraid to ask again. I’m not sure I’m ready to hear what it is. I need to know, though. Why do they look like someone died?

“Tell me what’s going on. Why am I in the hospital?”

Katie looks at Adam again, and he nods. He comes to stand on the other side of my bed. “You were shot.”

I frown, not understanding. “Someone shot me? Who?”

“Bryce did when you and Cody were leaving the library.”

With Adam’s explanation, it’s as if the memories come crashing down on me like a wave. Bryce pointing the gun at me. Cody shaking in fear behind me. The bang of the gun going off.

I whip my head toward Katie, eyes wide in fear. “Cody.”

“He’s okay. The police found him at Bryce’s parents’ house. Their housekeeper called when she realized Cody wasn’t there by court order, as Bryce made them believe.”

“Bryce didn’t hurt him?”

Katie shakes her head. “Not physically. He’s shaken up and worried about you, but he’s fine otherwise.”

“Thank God.” My entire body relaxes back into my bed. “I can’t believe that fucker shot me. What an asshole.”

Katie’s and Adam’s laughter is filled with relief rather than humor. I look between them, slightly confused as to why they look this haggard. I’m obviously fine, given the circumstances, and Cody is at home safe. “Why do you two look like someone died?”

My words seem to pop the happy bubble I’d created with my quip. Katie’s eyes fill, and Adam looks at me with worry.

“Because you almost did.” His words don’t quite register the way they should.

“What do you mean?”

“The doctors said that the bullet barely nicked your stomach and missed every other organ. They got you patched up quickly, but you still got a nasty infection. You almost died. It was…” Adam blows out a breath without finishing his sentence.

“How long have I been here?” I ask.

“A week. It’s been a week since they brought you in,” Katie says, her voice cracking.

“I’m going to let the nurses know you’re awake.” Adam strides out of the room, his posture rigid enough to tell me he’s doing his best to stay strong for our family.

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