Page 8 of Precipice

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Desmond punches me in the arm. “Asshole.”

“Violence is never the answer, Des.” I grin at him. My arm is throbbing, and it’s taking everything in me not to rub at the spot. I’d never hear the end of it, though. Having three older brothers has taught me a lot about when to show weakness.

The girls walk off the dance floor, fanning their faces to try to cool off.

Desmond elbows me. “Go get your girl something to drink. If you overwhelm her with your charm, she won’t stand a chance.”

I roll my eyes, but in the back of my head, his words begin to take root. There are ways to show Katie I’m interested without being pushy about it. The first step is to prove I can read her needs better than she can.

Fuck me, the image that thought just put into my head. Not the time to think about her naked, brain. Not the time.

I grab a glass of water and an old-fashioned from the bar and bring them over to the girls. Adam, Matthew, and Ben seem to have had the same idea and are handing drinks off to their women.

“Would you prefer water or alcohol?” I hold up both glasses to Katie.

She flashes that heart-stopping smile at me and takes the water first. “Thank you. I was just about to go grab something.”

“You’re welcome. I saw you guys were going hard out there, so I had a feeling you’d need something to cool off.”

She raises a dark eyebrow. “You were watching us?”

“Not like… that. It wasn’t creepy or anything. I swear. I just noticed you…”

Katie presses her lips together, her brown eyes sparkling with mirth.

“You’re fucking with me.”

She smirks. “I’m fucking with you.”

I narrow my eyes. “Naughty, naughty girl.”

She shrugs one shoulder. “I can be.”

Well, fuck me sideways. I take a swig of the drink in my hand, only to cough when I realize it’s Katie’s old-fashioned and not the scotch I’d been drinking. Smooth, Nolan. Really smooth.

Katie busts out laughing at my blunder. Can I still call it a win for making her laugh even though it was at my expense? She takes the drink from my hand and brings it to her mouth for a sip. Sexy as fuck. I swear to God. I’ve never met anyone who is this alluring without trying to be.

I find the rest of the group staring at us, and I clear my throat, willing my cheeks not to heat. “Did you guys know that there are five calories in a teaspoon of semen?” I didn’t mean to say that, but it got the attention off me and Katie, so I guess it worked.

Matthew snorts, setting off the rest of the group. “Jesus, Nolan.”

“What? It’s true. Look it up,” I argue, sticking to my guns. I’m not lying. I was curious one day, so I googled it.

“I’ll take your word for it.” Matthew laughs.

“Can you imagine trying to find the right words to search that?” Ellie laughs.

“Oh, god. Researching sex stuff is awful. You have to be very specific.” Tilly widens her eyes.

“I bet you’ve seen some stuff,” I tease her.

“You have no idea.” Tilly giggles. Matthew winks at her, and she blushes.

“Okay.” I rub my palms together. “I think it’s time to kick this party up a notch. I know I’m not drunk enough to shake my ass on the dance floor, and it’s not a party until that happens. Who wants to do shots?”

My siblings shake their heads at me but laugh like I knew they would. They all reluctantly agree.

“I’ll come with you. I need another drink that isn’t whatever ridiculous concoction you’re going to order,” Adam says.

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