Page 73 of Precipice

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“Unfortunately, yes.”

“He’d never win, though, right? How could he, when he hasn’t been around for nine years?” Sara frowns.

“If he’s showing interest now, there’s a good chance they would at least award visitation, if not joint custody. He’d never get full, though, unless he could prove Katie was unfit,” Sam says.

“It’s fu—freaking stupid. This asshole gets to swoop in as if he’s father of the year and gets access when he doesn’t deserve it.” Nolan shakes his head. His muscles are tight with tension. I love him a little more for his worry.

I slide my fingers through the hair on the back of his head to ease some of his stress.

“Whatever happens, we’ll stand behind you, Katie. You just let us know what you need.” Adam’s words leave no room for argument, so I just nod, grateful for their concern.

“It’s time to eat, kids!” Cindy calls from around the corner.

Nolan slides my legs off his lap and then helps me off the couch as we make our way to the dining room. The biggest table I’ve ever seen has been set with food dishes down the middle. It’s big enough to fit an army, not to mention the quantity of food sitting out.

“I told you that you’d need a bigger table, Mom,” Nolan says.

“Yes, and I happily bought one we could customize, just like I told you I would when all my kids brought home their significant others.”

Nolan kisses her cheek. “Fair enough.” He pulls my chair out for me to sit. It seems the manners run in the family because I see Steve, Adam, Matthew, Carter, Sara’s fiancé Ben, and Tucker do the same. Cody sits down on the other side of Nolan with Noah next to him. Everyone begins to dig in as conversations flow. The love between this family fills the room, and I bite my cheek to keep my emotions in check.

I’m beyond grateful to have been invited to see this beautiful moment. Something tells me to soak in every second. That way, when the other shoe drops, I’ll have the memories of today to get me through.



“Knock, knock.”

I lift my head as Jimmy saunters into my office. His blue T-shirt is stretched tight across his paunchy belly. The wide smile on his face makes his brown eyes sparkle and his wrinkles even more pronounced. He’s like the favorite grandpa who sneaks you sweets and has no filter. To say he’s one of my favorite people would be an understatement.

I jump from my chair to meet him on the other side of my desk. “What are you doing here? Did I forget we were supposed to meet?”

“Oh, no, kiddo. One of my buddies is having a birthday party for his gold digger of a third wife, and it was made very apparent that if I wasn’t there, I would get shanked. By what, I have no idea. It’s not like the old bastard can even move that fast.” Jimmy wheezes out a laugh. He sits down in one of my visitor chairs, and I sit down in the other one.

I shake my head at his cheek. “You’re something else. How old is she?”

“Who the fuck knows? Old enough to know better, young enough to still believe she’ll get a penny when he kicks the bucket.” He shrugs, and I can’t hold back my laughter any longer.

“You’re too much, Jim. I swear. I’m glad you came to see me, though. I’ve got some paperwork to run by you.”

He waves his hand through the air. “You know I trust you with all of that.”

“I can’t help it. You’re still the one who signs the checks.”

“See, now that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

A rock sinks into the pit of my stomach.

“I’m too old to keep getting on a plane to come back here. In all honesty, kid, you’re the only reason I do.” He grunts. “I have a couple of friends about two fucks away from dying. When they kick it, there won’t be any need for me to come home. If you took the helm, I know without a doubt my legacy would be in good hands. You could implement all the great ideas you have that I don’t have the energy to deal with, and Lord fucking knows you could make this place more successful than I ever could. Hell, you already have. Imagine what you could do if you had free rein.”

“I already have free rein.” My argument is weak, and when Jimmy gives me a look, I know he thinks the same.

“I understand it makes you nervous, son. I get it. Managing and owning are two very different things, but I believe in you. I wouldn’t have put you in this position if I didn’t think you could do it. Fuck, you’re already doing most of what owners would do anyway.”

“I don’t want to let you down.” My confession sits heavily between us.

Jimmy puts his hand on my shoulder. “The only way you’d disappoint me is if you turned the place into a strip joint. Not that I don’t love a good show; I just don’t think this is the right place for that. You could always open a second location. Call it O’Malleys After Dark. Oh, fuck, I like that. No, you can’t have it anymore. I want to open one in Florida.”

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