Page 71 of Precipice

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I know immediately that this is Cody’s dad. Even without the striking resemblance, the pompous attitude would give him away.

Katie shoots out of her chair and strides across the yard. I follow behind her, just in case. I’m not worried she can’t handle herself. After all the self-defense classes she and Ellie have taken together, I know she has the skills. I just can’t let her handle this completely on her own.

“What are you doing here, Bryce? How the hell did you even know where we were?” Katie crosses her arms over her chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mom leading Cody and the boys inside. The rest of my siblings stay outside to back her up.

Bryce laughs. “It’s my son’s birthday. Of course, I’m going to be here. I’m just assuming my invitation got lost somewhere. Where is he?”

“No. You were purposefully not invited. Not after what happened at the park. I’m not letting you see him again.”

“Katherine.” He says her name as if he’s placating her. “That was a misunderstanding. I shouldn’t be cut off from my son because of a mistake.”

“That was no mistake. That’s just who you are. A zebra can’t change his stripes. You know, I finally smartened up and looked into why you’re suddenly coming around. How’s that campaign going?”

Campaign? Why didn’t she tell me she looked into why Bryce was suddenly interested in his son?

Katie doesn’t wait for his reply. “Not great, if the polls are any indication. Did you really think you could use my son for your political gain? I’d never let him be a pawn in your schemes.”

“You listen here,” Bryce growls.

It’s as if my brothers and I are on the same wavelength because all four of us move closer behind Katie. Ben, Tucker, and Sam are standing behind us. We’re a menacing sight.

Bryce notices the movement and visibly takes a breath, stepping away from Katie. “Fine, yes, I am running for office, but this has nothing to do with my campaign. I still want to see my son.”

“He doesn’t want to see you. I will not force my son to see someone he doesn’t know just because he happens to share genetics with him. He has plenty of men in his life to take on the role you didn’t want to fill.”

Bryce sneers. “Yeah, looks like you have quite the harem going behind you. Did you spread your legs for all of them like you did me?”

A legit growl rumbles in my throat as I step up behind Katie. “I’d be careful about what you say to her. She’s more than capable of taking you down, but she has a kid to think about. I, on the other hand, can afford to do a little time for assault.”

Bryce spares me one glance before his eyes move back to Katie. “This isn’t over. My threat wasn’t a bluff.” He turns around and storms out of the backyard.

Katie turns toward me, panic clear in her eyes.

I pull her close to me. “We’ll handle whatever happens. He won’t take Cody. I swear it on my life.”



Nolan places his palm on my bouncing knee. I don’t know why I’m nervous. I know every person who will be at dinner. Hell, we just spent an entire day with them a couple of weeks ago for Cody’s birthday.

This feels different, though. Being best friends with Ellie, I understand the significance of attending an Ellis family dinner. No one brings whomever they feel like for that week. If they’ve invited someone, it’s because they’re important. It doesn’t seem to matter that Nolan and I have exchanged I love yous. This is still a monumental moment. It’s the official “welcome to the family.”

I can’t deny I’ve wanted this more than I can say.

Granted, I hadn’t pictured doing this with Nolan, but I’ve always wanted to be a part of the Ellis family. Seeing the way they’ve taken in Ellie and given her the unconditional love she deserves has always brought me a tiny bit of jealousy. I think that’s why I’ve kept my distance from them. I never believed they could feel the same about me as they do about Ellie.

After spending more time with them recently, I understand how wrong I was, but when you’re used to doing whatever it takes to protect yourself, it’s hard to change the way you think.

“Nolan, is Noah going to be there today?” Cody asks from the backseat.

“Yep! Natalie told me he brought some books from the library that he wants to show you.”

“Awesome. I’ve been dying to tell him about our science class for forever.”

Nolan and I grin at each other at his exaggeration as he puts the car in park. Steve and Cindy’s house is a gorgeous cottage with pointed roofs and tons of windows. It’s packed with cars, so Nolan parked on the street out front. Before I’m ready, the three of us are walking into the chaos that is the Ellis clan. My eyes widen at seeing Matthew and Sara in the middle of the living room, grappling as if their lives depend on it.

“You started without me!” Nolan exclaims, heading straight for his siblings.

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