Page 67 of Precipice

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“I love you, Nolan Ellis.”

I palm Katie’s face and kiss the hell out of her. “You have no idea how amazing it is to hear that from you. I love you more than words can even say.”

“Good. I’d have had to kick you if you didn’t.”

I drop my head back as I laugh. “Come on. Let’s go change clothes.” I’ve started leaving clothes here for the nights I stay over. Katie has relaxed a little when it comes to me spending the night when Cody is home. He doesn’t bat an eye if I’m here when he wakes up anymore, and it’s let Katie ease up on some of her rules.

When we get to Katie’s bedroom, I stop her from going into the bathroom. “What are the chances Cody would come looking for us if we showered together?”

“High. You’re not quick about anything when I’m naked, and he’d start wondering what we were doing.”

“Damn my need to worship your body. It’s your fault. You’re too tempting.”

Katie laughs as she walks away from me, and I swat her on the ass.

She loves me. And she said it first.

If only this thing with Bryce wasn’t hanging over our heads. We haven’t seen the last of him, that’s for sure. How he’ll punish Katie for her act of defiance is what scares me the most, though.



“Hey, C-man! Will you come to the kitchen for a bit? Nolan and I want to ask you about something,” I call down to what we’re now calling the rec room. I found two really comfortable chairs at a thrift store and created a little reading nook down there to go with our yoga studio vibe. It’s become a great space to spend time together when we don’t feel like watching TV.

Cody comes into the kitchen, a questioning look on his face.

“Come sit with us.” I pull out the stool next to mine.

Nolan is standing on the other side of the island with a soft smile. Ever since we said “I love you,” he’s seemed more relaxed here. He’s always felt like he belonged with us, but now it’s as if he knows for certain I’m not going to kick him out randomly. I didn’t mean to make him question my feelings for him. It just isn’t a simple task to drop every wall I’ve built over the last nine years. It’s taken time and every ounce of patience Nolan possesses. It’ll likely take even more as our relationship progresses, but for now, I think we’re both happy.

“What’s up?” Cody looks at us. “Is Nolan finally moving in?”

I choke. A coughing fit hijacks my body as I try to regain my composure.

I finally get myself together with the help of the glass of water Nolan gets for me. “I take that as a no.” Cody laughs.

Nolan chuckles. “No, I’m not moving in—yet.”

“You’d be okay with that?” I ask, a little surprised. I’m not even sure who I’m asking specifically. I didn’t miss the way Nolan said “yet.” It’s Cody who answers, though.

He gives me a look like I’m crazy. “Well, yeah. He’s here all the time already, so it would make sense.”

“Right, sure. I guess we’ll have to talk about that later.” My heart is pounding at the idea of Nolan moving in. What’s surprising is how much I genuinely want that to happen. I’ve started to hate the nights when he’s not here.

Nolan smirks at me as if he knows what I’m thinking before he looks back at Cody. “We wanted to talk to you about your birthday. My family wants to throw you a party to celebrate, but your mom and I weren’t sure if you wanted to have a party with your friends, too.”

“I could have two parties?” Cody’s eyes widen.

“If you wanted,” I say.

“We could also invite your friends to the party with my family,” Nolan adds.

“That many people would never fit in our house.” Cody grins.

Nolan laughs. “No, they wouldn’t. My brother, Matthew, has offered to host your party. He has a huge basement where you could hang out with your friends. The adults would be upstairs. Of course, we’d have food and drinks and games and stuff. It’s totally up to you.”

Cody looks at me. “I could have family and friends at my party? At the same time?”

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