Page 6 of Precipice

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“Seeing as how I’m pretty sure their season is in the middle of a school year, I highly doubt it. Why?”

“Just… making conversation.” Nolan’s feigned nonchalance isn’t fooling me.

Oh, my God, he’s jealous. Well, that’s an interesting development.

Before I can say anything in return, Desmond comes over carrying a serving tray of—oh, boy. He has shots.

“It’s time to kick this shindig up a notch.” We follow Desmond to an empty high-top table where he sets his tray down.

I groan. “What is it?”

Carrick places a bowl of limes next to the tray. “Tequila!”

“Ba dah dun nuh nah nuh nah nuh.” Nolan shakes his shoulders to the song.

“I’ve learned it’s best to just go with it,” Brooks says from my right.

“This is so not how I imagined this night going.”

Brooks scoffs. “I don’t know how many times I’ve said that same thing. I usually wake up the next day, determined to never let them talk me into doing it again. So far, I’ve yet to accomplish it.”

“All right, grab your shot and your lime. They wouldn’t let me take their container of salt, so no sexy licking. Unless you feel like it.” Desmond winks.

Carrick holds up his glass. “Cheers to new friends and old.” We clink our glasses together, tap them on the table, and then down our shots. I wince as I bite my lime.

Ooof. I shiver. It’s been a while since I’ve had a shot of anything other than the flu.

Desmond passes out a second round that we take quickly after the first. If I stick close to these guys, I’m going to end up under the table. I’m not exactly opposed… I would just rather not make a fool of myself in front of four extremely attractive men.

I wonder if it’s a requirement to be hot to play hockey.

“Not even close. One of our defenders, Yannis, is one ugly fuck.” Desmond laughs.

Oops. Didn’t mean to say that out loud.

“I feel like that’s a typical insult for you guys, so I’m not going to take your word for it,” I joke. Damn, I feel great. My body is relaxed, swaying to the string band playing in the background.

“Smart and beautiful. Are you single? And if yes, how the fuck has someone not snapped you up?” Carrick asks.

I smirk. These guys are too much. “I already have a guy. He’s my whole world and takes up all my attention.”

“Damn, of course, you’d be taken.” Carrick slumps.

I laugh. “He’s my son.”

“Katie is an incredible mother. Cody is a seriously cool kid,” Nolan says.

My jaw drops in surprise. “Thanks, Nolan. I don’t know that I can take all the credit, though. Cody came out great.”

“Nah, that’s all you, mama.” Nolan smiles down at me, and my belly swoops at the nickname.

“How old is he?” Brooks asks.

“Eight going on thirty. I think he’s more responsible than I am sometimes.” The guys laugh.

“I can guarantee he’d blow me out of the water,” Desmond jokes.

“That wouldn’t take much, though.” Carrick elbows Des, who returns the gesture with a punch.

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