Page 55 of Precipice

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I tell her everything that came after our heart-stopping kiss. “He was—is—like a different person, Ellie. I swear to God. He’s this silly guy who can make me laugh without effort, but the minute we get under the covers”—I shiver—“he becomes this dominant guy who knows exactly what to do with me.”

“Hot damn. I’ve always wondered about him. I kind of assumed he’d be a fun and exciting lover, but apparently, I was wrong.”

“I thought the same thing! So very, very wrong, and I am not mad about it.”

“What happened after that? Why didn’t you tell me it happened?”

“See… I sort of snuck out of his hotel room in the middle of the night.”

Ellie gasps. “Without saying anything to him?”

“Yeah... I just assumed he wouldn’t want anything more than that. We both know he wasn’t the dating type. I didn’t want to stick around and have the ‘thanks for the one night, but I’ll see you never’ conversation. Especially because we would have to see each other.”

Ellie tilts her head. “Fair. I wouldn’t have wanted to have that conversation either. So how did you get here?”

“Nolan made it clear he wasn’t going to stop pursuing me. When I realized he meant it, I agreed to a date. Sue was going to hang with Cody, but she got sick and couldn’t come over. I tried to end the date there, but Nolan made the three of us dinner, and we watched a Disney movie with Cody sitting between us.”

“Awww. That’s adorable.”

“After that, I didn’t think he would come around again. I hesitated to share any of this with you, partially because he’s your brother-in-law. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to take sides when it was over. Plus, I was a little embarrassed about letting him in.”

“I’d always pick your side, babe. No matter what. I have a confession, though.”

I tilt my head in confusion. What could she have to tell me?

“I’ve sort of known something was going on this whole time. That night I gave Nolan your address, I forced Adam to help me pump Nolan for information. He kept most of the details to himself, but I encouraged him to woo you.”

My jaw drops. “You asshole!”

Ellie starts giggling. “Since you didn’t think it necessary to share any of the details, I had to do something! I see now that my handiwork resulted in him sticking around.”

“Much to my astonishment. I’m not sure why either. It’s not like it’s been easy to date me.”

Ellie scoffs. “Don’t be like that. You know damn good and well that you’re a catch. And it seems to me that he believes that, as well.”

“He was incredible when Bryce called me, Ells. I’ve never experienced that level of support before. It’s my own fault. I’ve never allowed anyone in enough to even offer.” Ellie’s hand on my arm tells me she understands what I’m saying. I don’t want to make her feel bad. She’s my best friend and the most supportive person I know—besides Nolan now, I guess. “He was strong when I couldn’t be and never once made me feel less than for it. He held me up and provided a sounding board for me to vent all my worries. I had no idea that’s what a relationship could be like.”

“It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?” Ellie’s sad smile is full of understanding. She knows all about having to deal with your baggage on your own.

“Yeah. I’m happy, Ellie. Really and truly happy for the first time in my life.”

“I’m so excited for you. You deserve all the happiness you can find. Now, explain how Bryce fits into the picture.”

It’s a little like purging every emotion I’ve been feeling these past few weeks as I tell Ellie everything that happened. She’s properly outraged by Bryce’s threats and equally understanding about how I’m feeling about the situation.

“I don’t believe he’s being 100 percent honest about the reason he’s coming around again. In fact, I’m not sure he’s even expressed why he’s doing this. But I feel like I owe it to Cody to let him get to know his dad. What if he’s changed? I can’t deny Cody the opportunity just because I can’t stand to be in the same room as Bryce.”

“I think as long as you’re cautious, it can’t hurt to see what he wants from you. In the end, you can’t shelter Cody from every bad thing in the world. I know you want to, but it’s physically impossible. If Cody wants to see Bryce again, then great. If he doesn’t, then that’s a different matter.”

“That’s what I’ve been thinking, too. If Cody is happy, then that’s all that matters to me.” I turn our conversation back on Ellie, and we spend the rest of the night catching up on everything we’ve missed these past few weeks. It’s cathartic and healing and everything I’ve needed.

“Promise we won’t go this long only exchanging a few text messages again?” Ellie asks.

I pull her into me to hug her. “I promise.”



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