Page 53 of Precipice

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“Yep. Mom seems to always know when I don’t, so I stopped trying to skip it.”

I laugh. “Moms are pretty good at that kind of stuff.”

“Tell me about it,” he grumbles. He stops in the hallway and looks up at me. “Nolan, can I talk to you about something?”

My eyebrows furrow, and I squat down. “You can talk to me about anything.”

“Well… it’s just… Mom’s birthday is in a couple of weeks, and I want to get her a present, but we’re together literally all the time and she’d see. I was wondering if you could buy it for me, and I’ll pay you back. I have money. Promise. I’ve been saving it up to get her something nice.”

I had no idea Katie’s birthday was so soon. I’ll have to ask Ellie when it is because there’s no doubt in my mind that Katie will refuse to tell me. “I would be happy to help you out. What did you want to get her?”

“Books. She hasn’t bought any new ones in a while. She just keeps rereading the old ones, or she checks them out from the library. The thing is, she buys new ones for me all the time.”

“That sounds exactly like your mom. Okay, I’ve got an idea.” I tell him what I’m thinking, and his eyes get sparkly with excitement.

“That’s sounds awesome. She’ll never guess it!”

“Perfect. I’ll get one, then.”

When we get back to the table, Cody stands by the seat instead of getting in. “Can we go play games now?”

“Sure, we just need to pay the bill,” Katie says.

“I’ve already taken care of it,” I tell her.

She narrows her eyes at me. “You didn’t need to do that.”

“I know. That’s why I did it anyway.” I turn to Cody before she can protest anymore. “Let’s go get some game cards. I’m ready to kick your butt in ski ball.”

“You’re on.”



“Yoo-hoo! Big summer blowout!” Ellie yells out.

I laugh, looking at Cody, who’s shaking his head at Ellie’s Frozen reference. “We’re in the kitchen!” I yell back.

Ellie comes busting around the corner, her arms full of brown paper bags. “I brought provisions.”

“For an army?” I quip.

“Haha. I haven’t seen you in weeks, and I’m mad at you for that, but I couldn’t come empty-handed.” Ellie starts to set her things on the counter. There are boxes of candy and popcorn, a case of Cayman Jack margaritas, and a box of Drumstick ice cream cones.

Cody takes in all the food with wide eyes. “Wow, your bellies are going to hurt tonight.”

Ellie smiles, running her hand through his soft brown hair. “I love you so much, kiddo. Please never change.”

“If I don’t change, then I’ll never grow,” he responds seriously.

Ellie wraps him in a big hug. “Fuck, I missed you guys. Let’s not go this long without seeing each other again, please.”

“That’s a dollar,” Cody says when Ellie finally lets him go.

Ellie grabs out a five. “Let’s just say this will cover me for an hour, and I’ll add more when I need to.”

“You sound like Nolan.” Cody takes his bill to his jar.

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