Page 49 of Precipice

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“I’m always up for a little ski ball competition. Do you think you have what it takes to go up against me?” Nolan taunts.

“Oh, yeah.” Cody’s response is full of male bravado.

“Then you have yourself a deal. Have fun with your mom at lunch, and then we’ll see who the real champion is.”

The last ten minutes of our drive are spent talking about Cody’s and Nolan’s favorite games to play. An arcade trip wasn’t exactly in my budget this weekend, but if it keeps Cody from being afraid of Bryce, then it’ll be well worth it.

Nolan pulls off the street and puts the car in park. He gets out of the car and walks with Cody to meet me on the sidewalk. Cody’s brave face is breaking my heart. It’s killing me that we have to do this. He doesn’t know that Bryce threatened me, but he is aware that neither of us has much of a choice since he is Cody’s dad.

Nolan squats down to get on Cody’s level. “Do you think you could do something for me?”

Cody raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Sure.”

“Will you help me keep an eye on your mom? You see, she’s been a little nervous this past week, and she has used way too many curse words. I’m worried she might let a few slip today, which means she’s going to owe you some cash when you get home.”

I curl my lips in to keep from laughing. Cody’s face lights up as he starts to giggle.

“This is no laughing matter, Codes. I’m really afraid there’s no hope for her. You’re about to go into a nice restaurant. What if she starts saying the F-word in there?” Nolan’s eyes are pleading until Cody drops his head back, unable to contain his laughter. Then Nolan starts to laugh with him.

“You’re so silly, Nolan.” Cody wraps his arms around Nolan’s neck, catching him off guard. He looks up at me in surprise before he closes his eyes and squeezes Cody to his chest.

“Okay, you two. That’s enough jokes. You better go before you’re late,” Nolan admonishes, which only makes Cody giggle more.

“You’re the one making jokes.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nolan winks at him.

I hold my hand out to Cody, and he takes it without hesitation.

“I’ll see you both later. Give me a call when you’re done.” He presses a quick kiss to my temple and then walks back to the car.

Cody and I head straight to the restaurant, down the street from where we parked. When we get inside, Cody and I look around in awe. I should’ve been prepared for something fancy like this. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t a hundred chandeliers and candlelit tables with stark, white linens.

“What if I spill my food?” Cody whispers up at me.

“What if I spill my food?” I whisper back, widening my eyes. He laughs and shakes his head.

I tell the hostess who we’re here to see, and she leads us to a table where Bryce is already waiting for us. He looks exactly the same as he did when we were in college, down to his perfectly coiffed brown hair, clean-shaven face, and navy blue suit. My heart is beating double time the closer we get to the table. He flashes the charming smile I fell for all those years ago until his eyes fall on Cody. The shock on his face would be hilarious if we weren’t here for the reason we were. I’m sure he’s surprised at how much Cody looks like him. There’s no denying that he’s Bryce’s kid. I wonder if Bryce had doubts before today.

“Katherine, it’s good to see you.” He leans in as if he’s going to kiss my cheek, but I turn at the last moment to look at Cody, causing him to lose his balance. When he recovers, he frowns at me before looking down at Cody with a smile. “Hi, son. It’s good to finally meet you.”

I grit my teeth to stop myself from saying, “He’s not your son.” Cody just nods at him, looking to me for direction. I give him a small smile and a shrug of understanding. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do either.

“Come sit down so we can order.” Bryce turns for the four-person table to sit down. I help Cody get situated in his chair before sitting down next to him.

“So, tell me everything. How old are you now? What are you interested in? I want to know it all.”

Cody glances at me before looking back at Bryce. I glance around the restaurant, feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. I do my best to relax for Cody’s sake. I want him to have a chance to get to know his dad. Especially if Bryce truly does want to create a relationship with Cody. I don’t honestly believe it, but a small part of me wants to.

“Uh… I’m almost nine. I like to read. I’m in third grade.” Cody shrugs like he’s not sure what else to say.

“Do you play any sports? I was a football guy myself back in the day.”

Cody shakes his head. “No, I’m not really into sports.”

Bryce frowns, like he’s not sure what to do with that information. “Well, maybe we could play sometime. We could see if anything piques your interest.”

Again, Cody looks to me for direction. I make a face like it’s up to him, and he looks back at Bryce. “Yeah, I guess.”

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