Page 39 of Precipice

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“Who is?”

Shit. “A character in my book. I stayed up too late last night.” Both are true, just missing a few key details. I was reading when Nolan called, and the main character in my book is a smooth-talking bastard.

“You broke your own rule, silly Momma.” He laughs.

Those giggles make the panic ease from my muscles. “I did. And let this be a lesson to you. This is why we don’t stay up late on school nights.”

“You’re gonna be grumpy after school.”

“Most likely. Maybe we can stop for a little treat on the way home.”

Cody sits up taller and starts bouncing in his seat. “Yes!”

“I’m really proud of you for getting yourself up and ready for school this morning.”

He shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “It wasn’t any different from other mornings. I just didn’t get to tell you about my dreams today.”

Guilt stabs me straight in my heart. “That’s my favorite part of our mornings. I’m sorry we didn’t get to do that today. Do you still remember them?”

“Not really. And we’ll be at school soon.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Fuck. Disappointing my kid is one of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced. Nolan fucking Ellis. He has no idea about this shit. He just lives his life free and clear, without a care in the world. I knew agreeing to this dating thing would backfire.

My shoulders slump as I pull into the school’s parking lot. I can’t put all the blame on Nolan. I shouldn’t have let myself get caught up in having phone sex with him. Even if that was the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever given myself. The man is intense. And nobody has ever made me feel as desired as he does.

Jesus, I am so tired of going back and forth with myself about this. I like Nolan. I like how I feel when I’m with him. It’s as if I can finally be my whole self. I’m not just Mom when he’s around. I’m a passionate woman with desires that need to be met. No matter how often I push that part of myself away, it’s always going to be there. Why can’t I accept that I’m allowed to be both a mom and a woman?

Cody and I speed walk into the school with only a few minutes to spare. I manage to get my stuff put away and say a quick goodbye to Cody before my students start lining up at my door. The rest of the morning moves at lightning speed. I finally get a short break while the kids are at the library.

I take out my phone and send a text message to Nolan.


You made me late this morning.


I did? I’m sorry.

Um… how did I do that exactly?

I grin at my phone like a loon. Of course, Nolan would apologize before getting more details.


Your sexy ass made me sleep through my alarm this morning. Cody had to wake me up.


My sexy ass apologizes to yours. I don’t regret it, though. Watching you come is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.

My belly flutters at hearing that.


Yeah, well… This ass is going to be hangry today because I packed my lunch in a frenzy. I’m pretty sure I packed an entire container of cherry tomatoes, although I haven’t confirmed that yet.


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