Page 36 of Precipice

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Instead of driving to Sonoma, I call the local pizza place to get a delivery. While I wait for the pizza, I grab the book Katie recommended and give it a try. I’m not normally a reader. I usually have a hard time sitting still long enough to focus on the story. This being Katie’s favorite book changes my attitude. Whether it takes me weeks or months to finish, I’m determined to get through it.

It doesn’t take me long to see why Katie would like this book. The heroine is sassy as fuck, and stronger than a female lead is normally depicted. The intercom in my apartment buzzes, startling the shit out of me.

Apparently, all I needed was a well-written character and a fantasy plot to keep me interested.

I get my pizza from the delivery guy and take it directly to the couch, swiping some paper towels along the way. Then I start reading again, dying to know if this girl is going to get a mate. I didn’t understand the whole fated mates thing before I started reading, but now it makes sense why people would enjoy reading stories about it. What would it be like to have someone who was perfectly matched for you in every way? It would take a lot of the guessing out of it, that’s for sure.

What the fuck?

“No! Wait a minute.” I scramble for my phone and press Katie’s name on my favorites list.

“Nolan?” Her quiet voice makes me realize it’s after ten. Jesus, I’ve been reading for four hours.

“He rejected her?” I’m not embarrassed to say that my voice squeaks at the end. I am pissed.

“What? I don’t… Oh, my god. You’re reading the book.” She barks out a laugh.

“Yes, I’m reading the book, and you didn’t tell me that I would be heartbroken in the first ten chapters.”


“You are not. You’re enjoying this,” I accuse her.

“Maybe a little.”

I pull the phone away from my face and click the video call button. I try to keep my angry face, but as soon as she fills my screen, I grin. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

Katie tries to roll her eyes while hiding the pleased smile quirking her lips.

“Anyway, distraction over—for now. How could you let me go into this blind?”

“I honestly didn’t believe you’d read it.”

I scoff. “Of course, I’m reading it. It’s your favorite. Please tell me they work it out.”

Katie just looks at me.

“They do, right? They’re fated. Aren’t they supposed to be perfect for each other? How could he just tell her he didn’t want her? He did it in front of everyone, too!”

“His pack is the enemy of hers. Every allegiance she had was being tested, and he could tell that’s what she wanted.”

I scoff again. This time with dramatic flair. “Whatever. He broke her heart. It’s not fair.”

Katie laughs at me. “Just keep reading. You’ll understand what’s happening.”

“He better grovel at her feet after this. I swear.”

The look in Katie’s eyes makes my blood heat. “He does one better. Don’t worry.”

“So what you’re saying is… I need to take notes. Got it.” I mime writing on a notepad while I murmur, “Study ways to get on Katie’s good side.”

She giggles. “You’re ridiculous.”

“But I’m not wrong.” I wink, enjoying the embarrassment written all over her face. “How was your day? Are you feeling better?”

“My day was fine. The kids took it easy on me today, thank God. I’m better. I should be back to 100 percent tomorrow. Thank you again for my smoothie.”

“You’re welcome. I figured a little boost this afternoon would be welcome.”

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