Page 31 of Precipice

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I hadn’t noticed how much my body hurt until I finally got a chance to lie down. I don’t foresee myself getting up anytime soon.

Cody kisses me on the forehead when he says goodbye, and Sue informs me they’ll be back tomorrow around lunchtime. I manage a mumbled, “Love you both,” before I’m dead to the world.

Something is knocking on my brain.


As if they’re trying to get inside.

Why would they want to get into my brain? Is that even possible?

The knocking stops for a blessed moment, and I exhale a relieved breath. I’m glad they went away.

Except now my pillow is buzzing. What the hell is happening right now?

I finally wake up enough to realize my pillow is not buzzing, but my phone is. “Hmph,” I grunt when I answer.

“Katie?” Nolan’s voice comes through the speaker. “Are you okay?”

Adrenaline floods my system when it hits me that I never told Nolan I couldn’t go out tonight. “Nolan! Ah, fuck. I’m so sorry. I have a cold or a virus or something and can’t go out anymore.”

“Shit, little dove. I’m sorry you don’t feel great. Is Cody there with you?”

“No, he went over to Sue’s for a sleepover.”

“Okay, good. I’m gonna go get a few things. Think you can let me in when I get back?”

“Get back?” My eyebrows scrunch at his words.

“I’m outside, sweetheart.”

“You are?” Then I realize how dumb that sounds. “Of course, you are. We were supposed to go out.”

Nolan laughs. “Yeah, but that’s okay. If you think you’ll fall back asleep, leave the door unlocked for me. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

“Okay,” I murmur. My eyes are getting heavy again, so I muster up enough energy to unlock my front door. “Door’s open.”

“Thanks, baby. Go lie back down.”

“Mm-hmm.” As soon as my head hits the pillow on the couch, I’m out again.



Iadjust the brown paper bag to balance in one arm as I reach out to test the door at Katie’s house. It opens without an issue, and I step into a dark house that feels empty. I walk through to the kitchen to set my food on the counter. Leaving it there, I head back out to find Katie.

I peek over the couch and stop short. She’s lying on her stomach, her hands up under the pillow. Her face is completely relaxed in sleep, her mouth is open just a bit, and her poor little nose is red.

She’s still wearing her teaching lanyard that holds her keys. It’s wrapped around her neck and rucked up under her armpit. She looks like she collapsed onto the couch and hasn’t moved since.

I’ve never seen anyone so fucking beautiful. Even sick as a dog, Katie takes my breath away. All I want to do is take care of her. I want to share every burden she carries so she never has to bear them alone again.

I walk around the couch and squat in front of her. With gentle fingers, I slide her dark hair off her face. Should I wake her up? I can’t imagine that she’s eaten anything since she got home. Then again, she probably needs the rest.

I continue running my fingers through her hair while I decide the best thing to do. Before I can choose, Katie wakes up on her own.

“Nolan?” she asks without opening her eyes.

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