Page 3 of Precipice

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“Speak for yourself. I hate wearing ties,” Carter grumbles. His fingers touch the knot at his neck.

“But you look fucking delicious.” Sam winks. A blush creeps up Carter’s cheeks.

“Hear, hear. We all look damn good.” Katie raises her champagne in the air and successfully takes the attention of Carter when the rest of the group agrees with a cheer.

Katie winks at Carter when he mouths, “Thank you.” If my eyes weren’t already glued to her, I’d never have caught it. “What are the chances you guys got Chris Evans to RSVP?”

“God, I wish. That would be so cool,” Ellie gushes.

Adam tilts his head to look at her. “And why’s that, darling?”

Ellie smirks at him. “‘Cause I’d be hooking my beautiful best friend up with him. Boy, I can see their babies already.”

A hot flush creeps up the back of my neck. I wiggle my shoulders to try to get it to go away. I’m not sure what that’s about.


Okay, I might have some inkling as to why the idea of Ellie setting Katie and Douche Evans up together would bother me. Ugh. That’s not fair. I’ve heard he’s a really nice guy. I just don’t like the thought of him being with the woman of my dreams.

“I’m pretty sure he’s married,” I try to argue, despite no one paying any attention to me.

“I swear, the things I’d let that man do to me.” Katie gives a dramatic shiver, and I narrow my eyes at her. That’s a little over the top, no?

“Same, girl.” Sam blows out a breath.

It’s Carter’s turn to look at his spouse with raised eyebrows.

“Oh, come on, baby. You can’t tell me you’re not picturing a Sam sandwich with you and Chris as the bread.”

I snort. “A Sam sandwich.”

“At least I’m involved in this fantasy of yours,” Carter teases.

Talk turns to the people who are actually attending. For the most part, it sounds like it’s a lot of bigwigs in the sports industry. Some of Greensboro’s wealthier citizens will also be in attendance, including the mayor and his wife.

Tilly’s brother, Desmond, will be there, as well. He plays professional hockey in New York City, but he grew up with Adam and Matthew. It sounds like a few of his teammates will be there tonight, too.

The rest of the drive is spent laughing and drinking the two bottles of champagne Adam brought with us. It’s more fun than I’ve had in a while. I’ve been so busy with running O’Malley’s I haven’t had time to let loose.

Jimmy O’Malley, the owner of the bar, has continued to put more and more things on my plate. I don’t mind, really. I’ve just spent more time in my office doing paperwork than out in the bar area. With the way my attention falters when I’m bored, I’ve been worried about not being able to finish the piles of stuff I have to do. So far, it’s been okay, though. I had my bartenders take over the only task I was not good at and couldn’t complete to save my life.


Even the word makes me grimace. It’s so tedious, and when I lose count, I get too frustrated to continue.

The lights of Greensboro flash past the windows as an air of anticipation fills the limo. Being less than an hour from where we live in Westlake, it’s not a bad drive to get here. It’s even more fun if you’re able to drink with your favorite people.

“Drink up, everyone. It’s going to be a long night.” Matthew throws back the last bit of champagne in his flute. The rest of us follow suit, placing the flutes in the small trash can in the back.

The limo stops outside of the Palmada Hotel. With one glance, I can tell this place is fancier than anywhere I’ve ever stayed. The couples in our group get out first, leaving me to slide out of the car before Katie. I offer my hand, just in case she wants a little assistance.

My stomach clenches when she places her palm against mine, and a little shiver of awareness creeps down my spine. I have to shove down every instinct I have to pull her close to me. From the moment I met her, I’ve wanted to take her out on a date. Getting the chance and having to pretend like I’m unaffected might just kill me.

As Katie straightens up, she gives me a half smile in thanks. I look ahead at my siblings. Each of them is escorting their partner into the building, so I offer my elbow to Katie. She raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. Then she hooks her hand through my arm, and there is no way I can hold back my smile.

Proud as a peacock, I lead us into the hotel. I keep my steps slow. Partly because Katie is in heels, but mostly because I want to prolong this moment. I know as soon as we get into the ballroom, she’s going to drop my arm like it’s a hot potato.

Despite being early, there’s still a decent crowd in the ballroom. I recognize Tilly’s parents talking to mine. Desmond and his teammates are in a group right next to them.

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