Page 27 of Precipice

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“Watching an animated movie with an eight-year-old? Sure, that’s any man’s idea of a great night out.” I’m not sure why I’m pushing him on this. I just don’t want him to lie to me.

“I got to spend my night with the woman I haven’t been able to stop thinking about in months and the kid who makes up her whole world. I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.” The conviction in his voice makes my heart thump. Those blue eyes hold so much more in them than I’m ready to acknowledge.

Wait. “What did you mean you haven’t been able to stop thinking about me for months?”

Nolan smirks, but before he answers, he grabs my hand and takes me over to the couch to sit down. “Do you remember what you said to me at Ellie and Adam’s wedding?”

My eyebrows bunch as I try to think back. “I don’t have a clue. Was I mean to you? I’m sorry if I was. That was not my best night. This waiter kept hitting on me, and my final straw was him saying I was pretty hot for a mom.”

Nolan grimaces. “I didn’t know about that. I’m sorry you had to deal with him, though that puts what you said into perspective. I’d asked how your night was going, and you said, ‘When will men learn that women are not playthings for them to use and put away when they get bored? This is why I don’t bring men around Cody. He’ll grow up thinking it’s appropriate to jerk women around for his amusement.’ And then you grabbed the drink the bartender handed you and walked away.”

I scrunch my nose. “I’m a little jaded. What can I say?”

Nolan laughs. “Seems like you have reason to be, but what you said put something into perspective. What would I want my child to learn from me? Son or daughter, am I living up to the standard I’d want to set for them? I quickly realized that the answer was no.”

I’m stunned speechless. What do you say to something like that? I had no idea my pissed-off words could have such an impact. “I… I’m not sure what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that, after that night, I took a hard look at my life and started to make some changes. I also started growing a hardcore crush on you after that, even though you wouldn’t give me the time of day.” He huffs a self-deprecating laugh.

“It wasn’t for lack of desire on my end. I hope you know that. I just knew that the minute I gave in to you, I wouldn’t be able to give you up after one night.”

“You think I’m hot?” He smirks.

“I didn’t say that…” I try to keep a straight face as Nolan’s face falls in disbelief. An inelegant snort comes out of my nose.

Nolan gasps. “You little devil.” He reaches out and digs his fingers into my ribcage, making me squeal as he tickles me.

“Stop, stop, stop!” I laugh, shoving at his hands. When he pulls away, his upper body is pressing me back into the couch, his face level with mine.

“Your eyes make me think of chocolate cake when you laugh.” He softly smiles down at me. “Makes me want to eat you.”

And just like that, my core tightens. Fucking hell, he’s potent. “There will be no eating tonight, mister. Not while Cody’s here.”

“Understood. Does that mean kissing is off the table, too?”

“No way. Not after how adorable you were with my kid tonight. Talk about an ovary bomb.”

Nolan burst out in a laugh. “A what?”

“Never mind, just kiss me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Nolan finally presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer. His body rests more firmly against mine. The pressure settles something in my body, as if the only thing holding me to Earth is him.

His tongue sweeps into my mouth with a sensual glide. It only seems to remind me of the way he ate me in the hotel. The memory has me moaning into the kiss, my body moving with the pent-up desire I’ve had since that night.

“Fuck, little dove. If we keep this up, I won’t be able to hold myself back.”

I groan, so tempted to say fuck it and let him have his way with me.

“Not helping,” Nolan says against my lips, and I laugh.

“I’m sorry. You’re too good at that.”

He leans away from me and stands. He adjusts the crotch of his pants with a grimace. A satisfied grin stretches across my face.

Nolan points a finger at me. “Stop it. This is your fault.”

“My fault? You’re the one with all the moves. Making me all aflutter inside.”

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