Page 12 of Precipice

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“Oh, my God!” I shout. I’ve never felt this fucking full. Ever.

Nolan groans above me. “So fucking good.”

He drops my legs and falls on top of me. Our chests slide together, his smooth skin rubbing my nipples in the best way. My legs stay wrapped around his hips as he starts to move inside me. With every roll of his body into mine, he grinds against my clit, pushing me toward a crest that is threatening to undo me.

It’s too much and not enough at the same time. I want all of this man. Everything he’s willing to give me, I’ll take. If that makes me selfish, then I don’t particularly care right now. I’ve never felt so cherished. No man has worshiped me the way Nolan has tonight.

His forehead presses against mine. The intensity of his gaze pulls me into his web, trapping me there until he’s ready to let me go. “Come on, little dove. Come for me.”

“Nolan,” I whimper. He presses his weight onto one elbow and drops his other hand to press his thumb against my clit. The pressure sends me off like a rocket, my orgasm spreading through my body like wildfire.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Nolan rumbles above me. His hips drive forward at a relentless pace until he finally stills, his body shuttering with aftershocks.

I slide my palms down his back in soothing circles. Our pants are the only sound in the world as our heartbeats begin to slow.

Nolan drags his nose up my neck and pulls back just far enough to look me in the eye. His fingers run across my forehead, pushing the loose hair away from my face. “You’re more incredible than I could’ve ever imagined, little dove. Thank you for sharing yourself with me.”

I inhale a surprised breath. I’ve never seen Nolan this serious. His words are doing something to my insides that I can’t afford. I can’t see him as anything other than my best friend’s brother-in-law. That’s all he can ever be to me.

I don’t have the words to respond to his declaration, so I take the coward’s way out and kiss him instead.

He hums into my mouth. His fingers spread across the side of my head, and I bask in the moment of feeling surrounded by a man I know is capable of keeping me safe. When he pulls away, the moment is broken, and I do my best not to let my heart get into the middle of this moment. It’s just sex.

Nothing more.



Igroan. Why the fuck is my alarm going off right now? Isn’t it, like, Saturday or something? Hell, it doesn’t even matter what day it is. I never have to wake up early. It’s one of the many perks of running a bar instead of working a typical nine-to-five.

The fundraiser and ensuing night flash through my mind like a dirty reel of every fantasy I’ve had come to life.

I reach my hand out across the cool sheets and frown at the empty bed. “Little dove?” I force my eyes open to confirm she’s not beside me. The bathroom door is open, and the light is off. A glance at the floor provides further proof of her absence. The red dress that made me lose my mind is no longer crumpled on the floor.

She left in the middle of the night. Without even saying goodbye.

My alarm is still blaring, but I barely acknowledge it over the gut punch of disappointment I’m trying to swallow down.

I never should’ve let my hopes get as high as they did. I’d thought her coming back to my room would mean we could finally explore the chemistry between us. Well, I guess we still did that; I just expected to have more time with her than the few hours she gave me.

I shouldn’t have. We never discussed what sleeping together meant. There was no communication of expectations for the night. I shouldn’t have assumed she’d understand what I wanted since I didn’t give her my typical ‘this is only sex’ spiel. But she never said what this meant to her either, so I’m not the only one who miscommunicated here.

My alarm finally penetrates my thoughts. I find my phone in my suit pants on the floor. I’m a little surprised the battery didn’t die overnight. It’s a good thing, though. Otherwise, I’d have missed our checkout time. Not that my siblings would’ve left without me. Adam would’ve knocked down my door to get me up and ready.

After a quick shower, I’m feeling much better, despite the copious amounts of alcohol we drank. I pack up my duffle bag and see I’m ready early for our planned meet-up time. I’ve got just enough time to grab a coffee from the little café right next to the hotel, maybe even a pastry if they’ve still got anything left at ten in the morning.

A little flirting and the promise of a treat make the front desk clerk willing to watch my bag. I’d have carried it with me if I had to, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try.

The cool morning air smacks me in the face when I walk outside. The café isn’t too busy. The tables are almost full, but there isn’t a line to order. Most people have probably already gotten their morning treats.

I order a coffee for all of my siblings and their partners, along with a box of donuts. It’s the least I can do since Adam and Matthew paid for everything else this weekend. I’m also pretending like I’m doing this to be nice when really, I wanted to get Katie something but knew it would be weird if I only bought a coffee for her.

Her disappearing act tells me she doesn’t want anyone to know what happened between the two of us last night, even if I want to shout it from the rooftops.

The baristas put my purchases into brown paper bags with thick handles to balance the weight. I may not have to go far, but ten coffees and a box of donuts is a lot to carry on my own.

When I make it back to the hotel lobby, my siblings are standing in a group off to the side.

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