Page 10 of Precipice

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I nod at her and take her by the hand to walk to the elevator. I’m fucking grateful the event coordinator handled getting us checked into our rooms and handed out room keys after we got to the hotel. It’s one less thing standing in my way of getting Katie upstairs.

When the doors open, I push her back against the railing. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Fuck yes,” she moans. Then she presses up on her toes and kisses me like there’s no tomorrow. This is more than I ever imagined would happen.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve fantasized about fucking Katie plenty of times, but I always believed it was just that. A fantasy.

Tonight, it’s actually happening. I just hope I don’t blow my load in less than a minute.



This is a horrible idea.

But as the elevator doors open to Nolan’s floor, I know with 100 percent certainty that I won’t regret it.

Even when I’m sober in the morning, I won’t feel bad about it.

I’ve wanted Nolan from the minute I met him, but I denied my attraction because I didn’t want to make things weird afterward. I’m just drunk enough to make ignoring that consequence easier than normal.

With one tap of the plastic card, Nolan opens his hotel room door for me. His eyes track my every movement as I walk past him. Something has come over him in the last twenty minutes that I’m not prepared for.

He’s more intense than I ever imagined him to be. I thought Nolan would be silly and fun in bed. Right now, I feel a little like an antelope being tracked by a lion. He’s practically prowling toward me now that the door is shut. His eyes drag down my body, a caress all on their own if I’ve ever felt one.

Fucking hell, this man might just be the death of me.

“You look fucking deadly in that dress, little dove.”

My voice has dried up while my panties are as wet as the ocean. Why do Nolan’s nicknames affect me like this? There’s something about the way he says them that does it for me.

My stomach somersaults as Nolan moves closer to me. I’m starting to feel out of my depth here. I don’t know what to do with my hands. Sweat pools in my palms, so I wipe them on the fabric at my hips.

Then Nolan grabs my hands and puts them on his chest. “Work on my buttons, mama, while I commit this dress to memory. It’s not going to be on for much longer.”

“Jesus, Nolan.” I shiver. With shaking hands, I slip each button on his shirt out of its hole. He slides his jacket down his arms and tosses it onto the chair tucked under the desk against the wall.

When I get to his waistband, I pull his shirt out from his pants. Then I work the material off his arms. My gaze clashes with his, and I feel his stare all the way to my core. Not only is he looking at me with lust, but there’s a reverence in his eyes that takes my breath away.

My hands slide back up his arms and across his shoulders. I drop my gaze to follow my hands and suck in a gasp at the sight of Nolan’s chest. He has a huge lion tattoo on his left pec. Its mouth is open in a roar, and the mane looks like it’s blowing in the wind. His muscles bump under my fingers as I trace the lines and swirls of ink.

A shiver moves through Nolan, and his chest rumbles when my hands trace his abs. “Your hands on me feel better than my imagination could ever create.”

I look back up at him. A smirk is pulling at the corner of his mouth, which is full of male pride at my perusal of his body. “Turn around, little dove.”

I do as I’m told, moving my hair out of the way. His fingers gently glide from the nape of my neck and down my spine until he reaches the zipper of my dress. My nipples tighten when his thumb traces across each new inch of skin he bares.

Without anything holding it up anymore, the fabric of my dress flutters to the ground.

“Fuck,” Nolan whispers. He runs his finger under the band of my black G-string between my ass cheeks. He grips both sides and slides it down my legs. “I think you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” The words are said against my neck.

He presses kisses against my skin, nipping and licking his way across my shoulder. His hands squeeze my hips before they start to run across my skin. The calluses on his palms scratch my ribs and belly as he explores. When his thumbs graze the underside of my breasts, I arch into his hands. I need him to touch me more than I’ve ever needed anything before.

Nolan maneuvers me around so I’m facing him. Then he takes a step back to take in my body. For half a second, my self-confidence wavers. I’m a mother. My body does not look like other twenty-eight-year-olds. What if I don’t meet Nolan’s expectations?

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Nolan drops his hand to his cock and squeezes. “I think I could come in my pants right now if I stared at you long enough.”

I huff out a laugh. “Turnabout is fair play, big guy. It’s time you show me yours.”

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