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As if sensing my change in mood and shifting needs, he reached around me and pulled back the covers. “Get in.”

I nodded and slid under. Walking to the other side of the bed, he slipped in and motioned for me to go to him. Eagerly I obliged, squirming to the other side of the massive king-sized bed and into his awaiting arms. Wrapping my arms and legs around him, I settled my head on his chest and listened to his slightly accelerated heartbeat.

I love you. I was so content and happy at this moment that those three little yet extremely powerful words almost escaped my lips. But I caught myself in time. I didn’t have to worry about the danger of letting it slip a second time because I was sound asleep in under a minute.



Damn, I love the feel of a warm body next to me in the morning. I ran my fingertips along her creamy flesh as I slowly opened my eyes and glanced down at the woman cuddled tight to my side with her head resting on my chest.


It took me a moment to recall the events of the previous day. This wasn’t just some woman, this was the one woman in my life I’d ever loved and here she was tucked against me, softly snoring. This past week felt so surreal. It was blowing my mind that she was here right now.

And I had a son sleeping in the room down the hallway. A son I’d tucked in and he’d said, ’night Constantine. His pronunciation of Constantine was a bit off, but that was okay. It was endearing how he said it, in a way. Was there a chance that in the future it would no longer be Constantine, but Daddy?

Could I be a daddy? My foster father didn’t seem to think so. He hadn’t outright said it, but he might as well have. My life wasn’t a child-friendly life, it was a life of a loner. I was someone who had one-night stands, not commitments with children and a family. Could I merge the two?

Maybe I needed to just bite the bullet and get a real job. I huffed thinking about how ludicrous that sounded. I could never be a 9-5 man. Imagine my resume. I chuckled to myself. And the job interview would be a hoot. “Mr Bateman, I see your resume is absent of work experience. What have you been up to for work?” I’d reply, “Geez, I don’t know, killing people for money.”

I couldn’t see that interview going much beyond that point.

But I did have savings. I could perhaps start a legit business.

I was getting ahead of myself. I had no idea where Robyn’s mind was. Hell, technically she was still married. Granted she’d be a widow soon enough.

If I didn’t think up a good plan for her ex-husband’s kill there’d be questions. She’d brought in the fed so no doubt they were watching him. This was going to be a tricky kill, but I’d completed tricky jobs in the past without a hitch. Accidents happen every day. The only problem was that this time I was emotionally invested.

Funny thing was that up until the other day I was starting to think that I wasn’t capable of love. Over the years, I’d started to think my feelings for her had been my imagination. I hadn’t been in love, it was strictly infatuation. However, from the moment she walked back into my life, I began to realize I was kidding myself. Love was an emotion I was capable of feeling.

Now I just had to figure out what in the hell I was going to do with this realization.

As much as I would have liked to stay there in bed with her, I knew there was a child down the hall who would be waking at any moment. As carefully as possible I slipped out of bed and made my way to the closet. Grabbing a pair of flannel pajama bottoms I pulled them on, tightened the drawstring and left the bedroom, closing the door softly behind me.

Heading down the hallway I began to hear video games coming from Austin’s bedroom. 6 a.m. and he’s up with video games. Hmmm. If I were to be a part of this child’s life the video game time would be seriously cut down. Didn’t children ever play outside anymore? Of course considering the situation we were in it was the best way to keep him occupied until everything was settled again.

“Hey buddy. Up rather early, aren’t you?” I entered the bedroom to see him sitting cross-legged on the floor intent on killing either plants or zombies, I wasn’t sure which.

“I get up early. Mommy says I’m an early bird.”

“Early bird catches the worm,” I supplied for him.

“Yep. Mommy says that.”

“Your mom is pretty smart.”

He nodded, paused the game and looked at me with those blue eyes. Just looking at him reminded me of my childhood, before my bio-parents were murdered and I was put into the system. Life was good back then. “Daddy too. Daddy works a lot and fights with Mommy. He makes her sad, but I miss him.”

It was like a knife cutting through my heart hearing him call another man his father, especially a piece of shit like Gabriel Salvatore. It was at that moment I knew, I needed to take my rightful spot as his father.

“How about you put the game up for a while and me and you will go find something to do. I have a swimming pool out back. Can you swim?”

He shook his head.

“Then you’re going to learn, little buddy.”

He gave me a wide smile and put the controller away.

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