Page 41 of Royal Flush

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“It’s perfect.”

He tipped her head back to gaze into eyes wide with wonder and dark with desire. Need. For him. It was a heady feeling. Everything around them stilled, became quiet. There was nothing but her and him and their rapid heartbeats as he lowered his mouth to claim hers.

An intense flare of lust rocketed directly to his cock as he crushed her lips beneath his. Rowan gave as good as she got, meeting him halfway, opening to him, and thrusting at the same time. He pulled her hips tight to his hard dick as she entangled her fingers behind his neck, holding on like she would never let go. Her kisses crept over him like a slow-rolling tsunami, pulverizing everything inside him so that nothing mattered but her. Here. In this moment.

He broke the kiss, her sigh making his dick twitch.

“What?” she whispered.

His voice choked up from the arousal racing through him. So, instead, he acted and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.

“Oh,” she said. “Stop. I’m too heavy.”

“Never.” She filled out her curves perfectly. He crossed to the door and had trouble opening it.

“Let me.” She reached down to flick the knob.

Once inside, he kicked it shut, not caring that it slammed; his mind was on the king-sized bed in the main bedroom. He set her on it, then reached to pull her sandals off. It was the first time he’d noticed her dainty feet and toenails painted in monetary green with symbols on each big toe.

“Dollar signs?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Eyes on the prize,” she answered. “Now, come here.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Happy to do her bidding, he yanked off his shirt and lay beside her. She had a zippered hoodie on and surprised him again as he lowered it, one finger trailing the zipper down as he savored the feel of her skin.

“You’re not wearing a shirt,” he said.

“Didn’t need one.” Her fingers trailed through the hair on his chest, teasing him, making his already painful cock ache even more.

“I like how you think.” He finished the zipper, pleased to see a lacy black bra with a front clasp. “Don’t need this, either.” He flicked the clasp and pulled the sides apart, reveling in her flushed skin and perfect breasts, which called to him. “So beautiful.”

He lowered his head and took a ruddy nipple in his mouth, her gasp of pleasure taking his cock from hard to granite. “So perfect,” he mouthed as he laved her, licking and sucking while his hand paid homage to her other breast.

She arched against him. “Lordy, you’re good at this. How can just this take me so close?”

He lifted his head to see her eyes were glazed with passion, telegraphing how close she was to losing control. “You are strong and have a limitless reservoir. You can take it all. Everything I can give you and nothing less.”

“I’ll crash over the top.”

“I won’t stop you.”

“But I want you with me.”

“I will be, just maybe not for the first.”

“The first?” she squeaked, her eyes widening.

“Haven’t you ever had multiple orgasms?”

She bit her lip, shaking her head.

“Oh, sweetheart, you are in for such a treat.”

He stepped off the bed, helped her shed the hoodie and bra, then slowly peeled her yoga pants and undies down until he could toss them aside. He stood at the foot of the bed, spellbound.

When she tensed and reached to cover herself, he stayed her with a hand in the air, pleased when she stopped.

Gerard cocked his head. “Do you not know how beautiful you are? Want to know what words I’d use to describe your body?”

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