Page 45 of Shadows of Desire

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“I’ll pull the knife and you heal the wound.”

Jenna blew out a shaky breath before she nodded at Rakha to pull the knife. When Rakha pulled the knife from SaKura’s thigh, a gush of blood occurred. Jenna needed to get a hold of herself. The amount of blood was making her nauseous, and she was sure her mate couldn’t afford the blood loss. The gems that split her fingers when she killed Jeffrey split her fingers again. This time, the fire was white. It seemed to dig deep into his wound, chasing out any of the black gems. Then it went over the gems, heating them until they were almost boiling, causing them to return to their normal color. The gems were storing the poison. When they cooled and sank back into SaKura. She went over the knife site, letting her fire heal the leg until Rakha was sure there weren’t any underlying issues with the muscle. Only then was she able to close the wound and cauterize it. When it was done, she fell to the floor from exhaustion.

“It’s done.” Rakha picked her up and laid her on top of SaKura.

Rosetta cruised the city until SaKura and Jenna woke.

“I had a nightmare,” Jenna said, waking up to find she was on SaKura. “What Happened?”

“A nightmare,” Rakha said.

“Oh, my God. It happened, it’s all true.” Jenna’s hands were all over SaKura, looking for any cuts or bruises.

SaKura caught one hand and brought it up for a kiss. “You did it, my frya. You saved my life.”

“Don’t you ever do that to me again!” She was beating on his chest and crying.

“Never again.” He sat up and took her into his arms, giving her kisses and sweet words until she calmed down sniffling in his arms.

“How do you feel?”

“Like I’m going to live because of you.” She stared at him, making him sigh.

“I’m a little tired, but it’s not something I can’t handle.” She nodded, sitting there in peace, giving thanks that her mate was alive and breathing.

“If the two of you are better, my mate is missing me,” Rakha said.

“You ready?” she asked SaKura.

“I am.”

“Good, I have so many questions to ask.” Jenna took a seat next to SaKura with Rakha sitting across from his brother. Rosetta put the cot away. The drawer with the anti-venom was already gone.

“If Kala was there, why didn’t he kill Jeffrey or stop that mysterious man from taking me in the first place?”

“He knew not to interfere with your budding,” SaKura said.

“What the heck? Do I look like a flower or a tree to you?” She frowned at him.

“Yes, you’re a beautiful laith flower growing wild and free.” She knew that word. It was a flower that grew on his planet. It was beautiful and dangerous.

“Forget the flower comment and explain the budding.” She gave Rosetta a mental command to take her to Bella’s domicile.

“The first time you access your fire, there must be a reason. On Diza, fryas are put through a test that stresses them enough that they need their fire. There is no test like that on Earth. The gods, in their wisdom, gave you a life-or-death test. You, with your willingness to listen and learn, passed the test. If Kala interfered, you would not have matured into the frya you are and will one day be.”

“You almost died.” She was having a hard time getting over that fact. The sympathy she felt for the Tan-ge females died when Marilyn attacked SaKura. They could all burn as far as she was concerned.

“I didn’t because you were there. My frya mate.”

“I used to think being a human was bad with all the things we go through. I feel sorry for the Diza women.”

“What you’re saying is you feel bad for yourself and Bella.” She gave him a squinted-eye look until she realized Rakha was right.

“When are women going to be going to Diza, and how are you picking them?” It was part of the agreement, but there hadn’t been news coverage or women in the street crying foul. That meant it hadn’t happened yet.

SaKura gave her a devious smile. “We’re not picking them; you and Bella are.”

“SaKura, say what?” She hadn’t realized he wasn’t all there when she mated with him. Did this change things?

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