Page 2 of Shadows of Desire

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“Without incident?” A man snorted. One whom SaKura had not met.

“Yes, without incident. Madame President would not be happy if something happened to him on her watch,” Kevin Biehl, the Secretary of State, said.

“Madame President,” the unknown man said with a sneer in his voice, should be more concerned with her upcoming election and the people’s ratings of her. It amazes me she has time to play with aliens. She should do that instead of trying to run the country.”

“Who are you? I never got your name,” the Vice President said.

“Don’t worry yourself. You’ll know when the time is right.”

“Can we stop playing games of who done it?” the alien ambassador said.

“I’ve got a better question. Mark, why don’t you do your job and speak to the monster, find out why he is here, and then escort him along with Agent Scarlatti to his brother’s residence,” the unknown man said.

“I like that. It’s time to earn the big bucks that I know are pouring into your bank account. Kevin, call Agent Scarlatti and have him meet Mark and the monster here. Meeting adjourned.,” the Vice President said.

“Wait, what if he wants another one of our women?” Mark asked as the others were filing out the door.

“He informed President Lincoln that he didn’t need her to, and I quote, pimp him out. He could attract a mate on his own, unquote.” The Vice President exited the room, leaving Mark Croft sitting alone.

“Poor bastard, no self-respecting woman would be with him. Not even one desperate for cock,” Mark said. He shook his head and went to meet the newest monster on earth.

“SaKura? I’m Mark Croft. The alien ambassador.” SaKura stood to extend his hand in the traditional earth greeting his brother must have taught him. He was even bigger than Rakha. This could be a nightmare waiting to happen if he weren’t on the side of the humans.

“Nice to meet you,” SaKura said.

“Likewise.” Mark sat after the monster did. He knew he wasn’t supposed to think of them as monsters, but he couldn’t help himself. “We weren’t expecting another Diza to grace our planet with their presence.”

“Let’s dispense with the overly formal diplomatic speech. I’m here to see my brother. Are human families kept in close quarters, or do you have to travel to see some of them?”

“We’re spread out across the globe. It’s just that we never travel as far as you did to see a family member.” It seemed strange that a monster would visit another planet to see his brother. They were monsters, for God’s sake. Everyone knew monsters did not care for each other.

“It’s all about having the means to.”

“I agree. Is that the only reason you are here?” SaKura smiled, his pointed incisors on display.

“Why else would I come?” The minute his agrva, sister-in-law, in English, described her sister, Jenna, he knew she was talking about his mate. What other good reason was there for him to come to this planet besides seeing his brother?

If there was another reason, he didn’t feel inclined to share.

Chapter Two

“Where do you think you’re going?” Amelia was standing beside the door with one hand on her hip and tapping her foot like she was a dorm monitor.

Jenna rolled her eyes and shrugged before she looked at her cousin. It was like looking into a mirror, but Amelia had blue eyes with a brown ring around them, courtesy of her parents. They always intrigued Jenna, who had stormy gray eyes.

“Is it a sin to leave the house?” It was a nice house, a little like the one she used to live in without the neighbors from hell next door. This one had three bedrooms. The third bedroom was small, a nursery or a home office, but she and Amelia loved it.

“You’re just not an outside type of person.” Amelia was right, she wasn’t.

Maybe she could have been. But she refused to go down that line of thought even as shivers of dread rolled down her spine. Some lives were filled with loving parents and grandparents. Others were filled with pain.

“As much as I’d like to sit on the couch and run the world from in front of the television, I have to go out. I’ll be back in about three hours and don’t go telling on me to Bella.” She frowned at Amelia before smiling. Her cousin loved her, and she needed to remember that. “Thanks, coz.” She hugged her tight, more for her safety and security than Amelia’s.

“If I had a choice, I’d stay here but…”

“It’s the voices, isn’t it?” Amelia sank against the light blue wall of the living room.

“If I had a choice, but I don’t.” Amelia nodded, but she wasn’t buying it.

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