Page 34 of Teasing the Winger

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“You deserve to be treated like this, and I’m sorry if your ex made you think you didn’t,” he tells me, giving my hand a squeeze. “Speaking of being treated the right way, what are you up to tonight? I’d like to take you out on a proper date.”

I can’t help from wiggling in my seat with excitement. “Umm, I’m free. Do you have something in mind?” I inquire.

“I do, but I’d like to keep it a surprise if that’s okay with you.”

The fact that he’s asking for permission to surprise me melts my heart. He isn’t just assuming I’ll be okay with it, and he’s giving me a chance to opt-out if I’m not.

“I’m good with a surprise,” I tell him, even though I’m dying to know what the plan is. I also know waiting and seeing what he has up his sleeve will be much better.

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something comfortable and warm.”

The wheels in my head start spinning, trying to figure out what he could have possibly planned for us on such short notice.

“Should I eat before you pick me up, or will food be included?” I check.

“I’ve got food covered,” he tells me, and I smile.

“You do know the only thing I’m going to think about the entire drive home now is going to be our date, right?”

Rio chuckles and squeezes my hand. “I’m sorry, but I’m glad you’re excited.”

Excited doesn’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling, but I keep that information to myself. I don’t want to come across as too eager, although I’m probably doing a really bad job of not showing just how much I’m looking forward to this date. I’m just excited for us to get to spend more time together and to find out what he’s planned.

“Has BooBoo’s mom gotten a hold of you yet?” Rio asks as the bus drives us back to Green Spring.

I smile just at the mention of BooBoo’s mom, who has already turned out to be an amazing person, and I haven’t even met her yet.

“Yes, she’s been texting me on and off since yesterday. I can’t wait to meet her in person.”

“She’s awesome. I bet you’ll love her. Do you have plans to meet up yet?”

“Yup. I’m heading over there Tuesday afternoon,” I tell him with a big smile.

“Awesome. Did you need a ride?” he inquires, and I shrug.

“I was just going to order a ride-share.”

He shakes his head. “Why pay the money when I can take you? I don’t have anything going on Tuesday afternoon.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, hearing the insecurity in my voice.

“I’m sure. And I don’t even have to stay if you want time alone with Karla. I’ll just drop you off, then pick you up when you’re done.”

“You’d really do that?” I question, hating that I have so much doubt.

“Babe, I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it,” he assures me. I have a car, and you don’t. Even if we weren’t dating, I’d still probably offer to drive you. It’s what friends do like you told me last weekend when you did my laundry and made me dinner.”

When he puts it like that it makes me feel stupid for wondering why he’s being like this. This is how someone is supposed to treat their partner. Lux was an asshole, and I should have clued in earlier that he wasn’t a good guy. But by the time I saw his real colors, it was too late. Although even before Lux let down his façade, he wasn’t thoughtful like Rio’s being right now. But I was young then, and I didn’t know how I should really be treated.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I would really appreciate you driving me on Tuesday,” I say after a few moments pass. And if you want to stay while I get my cards read, I don’t mind.”

His smile grows and he leans over to press his lips to my cheek in a quick but sweet kiss.

His willingness to show public displays of affection in front of his teammates makes me feel extra special. I wasn’t sure what his level of comfort would be there, but I’m happy he’s comfortable with small acts. I don’t need him to make out with me in public, but I am a touchy person and I like to hold hands like we’re doing now. Thankfully, so far, that doesn’t seem to bother him.



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