Page 28 of Teasing the Winger

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The smile I’m sporting is so big that it almost hurts. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing that could wipe it off my face, and I’m willing to deal with sore cheeks if it means I get to keep feeling this high.

“Is there a certain koala that has you grinning like that?” BooBoo asks as we change. I flip him the bird but don’t deny his statement. “Are you guys dating now?”

“I asked him out on the bus,” I admit.

“That’s awesome, dude. You deserve to be happy.”

“Thanks, man,” I reply as Coach walks in to give us our pre-game pep talk.

In what feels like no time at all, we’re heading out to the pitch, ready to take on our competition on their home turf. I know more than a few of us are nervous after our last away game loss, but when I see Sasha on the sidelines in his Kerrington costume, my worries fade, and I hope my teammates feel the same.

I’m sure it seems stupid to people that we feel like the only way we’ll win is with Kerrington on the sidelines, and maybe it is, but superstitions don’t need to make sense for people to believe them. And our team has it in our heads that he’s the key to our victory. Thankfully, Coach was able to convince Evangeline that we need the koala mascot because otherwise, this season would be over before it started. Whether or not Kerrington actually brings us good luck doesn’t matter. If the majority of our players think he does, they’ll get all up in their heads if he isn’t here for us and play like shit.

When I look up at the crowd, I’m not surprised that our fan section is a lot smaller. The farther we travel for games, the fewer people we have cheering us on, which makes sense since it’s not easy for everyone to travel to all of our games. Thankfully, those who have shown up tonight are loud and doing their best to make up for the lack of numbers.

Kerrington is dancing on the sidelines, getting the crowd going as we get into position, and my smile grows even wider. Not only do we have our good luck charm with us tonight, but I’m also dating him, and that makes it even more special. I’m determined to play my absolute best tonight, not only to make our fans proud but to show the guy I like how talented our team is.

When we win, I might just earn myself a congratulations kiss. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Sasha’s lips since our almost kiss last weekend. Are they as soft as they look? Is he a pliant kisser who will let me take the lead or is he more dominant, preferring to be in control? Does he like to use his tongue or teeth? Would he let his hands roam over my body? What would they feel like?

I shake my head since now is not the time to think about those things. My focus needs to be on the game. Once the game is over, I can daydream —or better yet, I can make those dreams come true.

I narrow my eyes at my opponents, taking a deep inhale and tuning out the outside world like I always do. All that matters right now is soccer and bringing home another win for GSU.

The game goes by in a sweaty blur, and I’m almost caught off guard when the crowd starts counting down. The ball is in my possession, and I dribble it down the pitch with lightning speed, dodging my opponents as I go. I keep my eyes open to see if any of my teammates are available for me to pass to, but everyone is guarded at the moment, so I keep my feet moving. At the last moment, I fake like I’m about to pass to BooBoo, who is somewhat open, before moving in the opposite direction and kicking the ball with all my might. Sending it soaring into the net.

I’m tackled to the ground by BooBoo, and not even a second later, Whiley piles on top of him, shouting his enthusiasm.

“What a fucking game!” BooBoo yells as we celebrate our victory.

“I told you Kerrington was our lucky mascot,” Whiley says as the aforementioned koala joins us to celebrate our win. “I’m willing to fight anyone who tries to take him away from us.”

Kerrington does a couple of back flips before high fiving the guys he passes as he runs around the pitch. The poor cheerleader who is supposed to be his handler struggles to keep up with him but he clearly doesn’t care about the possibility of tripping. When he gets to me, he holds my arm up like he’s done most of our games but this time instead of feeling embarrassed I feel excited.

“Did you see us destroy them?” I ask the koala, who nods his head.

There’s no way fans could hear him if he spoke, but Sasha is a professional and keeps quiet like he was trained to do. For some reason, I don’t need to hear him speak. His presence alone covers me in warmth and comfort. It’s a weird feeling but one I really enjoy.

“There is a young fan who wants to meet you,” Hailey tells Sasha, who nods, then waves at us, throws his arms up in celebration one more time, then follows the cheerleader.

I watch as Sasha kneels in front of a young boy who’s smiling so wide I can’t help but grin myself. I’m forced to tear my gaze away from them just after they high-five as it’s time to get to the locker room to change and hear what Coach has to say. I should want to shower off the sweat and grime from my body but it’s hard to get my feet to move. I don’t think I’ve ever been this into someone that I struggle to take my eyes off them, even for a short amount of time.

“Come on,” BooBoo says, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the field. “You can hang out with your boyfriend later. Besides, he’s busy doing his job right now.”

I sigh but nod and let my friend guide me to where I need to be.

Who knew I would be this crazy about Sasha so soon? But the even crazier part is I’m not that scared about it.

I’m embracing the new in my life like the tarot cards said to, and that alone is helping ease my fears, leaving my heart open to the love the cards promised.



“You’re the best mascot ever,” Thomas, the little boy who was so eager to meet me, says with a toothy grin. “Can you do another backflip for me?”

“Thomas, Kerrington isn’t a show pony,” his father reminds the child, but I wave him off and step back to show off my moves, which has the boy smiling brightly and laughing with pure joy.

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