Page 23 of Teasing the Winger

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“My simplest of decks,” she tells me while putting the other boxes away. “Are you a simple man?”

I shrug. “I guess you could say that.”

She hums, then removes the cards from the box and starts to shuffle them. “Have you ever had your cards read before?”

I shake my head. “I’ve always thought stuff like this was made up,” I admit, making her snicker.

“I’ve heard that plenty of times before. I was like you once,” she tells me, and when I narrow my brows at her in my skepticism, it only makes her laugh. “When I was your age, I didn’t believe in magic or the spirit world. I thought it was all garbage until my last year of university.

“My roommate for that year was this vibrant young woman who was a firm believer, and I thought she was insane.” As Karla talks, cards fly out of her hand, but she doesn’t move them, just continues with her story like nothing happened. “She didn’t care what I thought about her but asked if she could read my cards one day, and since I was bored, I agreed, thinking nothing would come of it.”

“I’m guessing something did come of it?” I check, and she dips her chin with a wide grin.

“Everything the cards predicted came true and it opened up my mind to listening to her more. I realized that what I quickly wrote off as crazy wasn’t that at all. Now, it’s not going to be for everyone, but I’ve learned that if we are less judgmental, the world is a much better place. All you need is an open mind or heart. Sometimes, even if your mind is closed, your heart can be open, and the cards will resonate with you.”

I know my mind is leery of all of this, but I think my heart is open. Hopefully, that means something will resonate with me during this reading.

There are five cards on the table now, and she stops shuffling to look at them.

“Ready to see what the spirits have in mind for you?” she checks, and I swallow before nodding.

The first card she flips is one that has something that looks like a compass in the middle and gold creatures with wings on each corner. At the bottom, there is writing that says Wheel of Fortune.

Karla hums but doesn’t offer any words before flipping the second card. This time, the card has a man and a woman standing side by side with an angel hovering over them. On one side of the card, there is also an apple tree with a serpent coiled around it. The words beneath this one are the lovers.

The third card she flips shows what looks like a dove diving into a gold cup and is apparently called The Ace of Cups.

The fourth card has two people facing each other, each holding gold cups. At the top is a red lion head with wings. The writing tells me this card is The Two of Cups.

The final card she flips has me gasping. But Karly shakes her head with a smile. “Don’t fret.”

“The card says death,” I bark out. “How am I not supposed to fret?”

“Things aren’t always literal,” she assures me as I stare at the card.

There is a skeleton in a knight’s outfit on top of a white horse with red eyes. Beneath the horse are dead bodies, and in front of the horse is someone offering a head to the horse. It’s creepy, to say the least, and if it doesn’t literally mean death then what does it mean?

“We start off your reading with Wheel of Fortune, which represents change, and we end with Death, which also can mean change or the end of a cycle. Together Wheel of Fortune and Death encourage us to embrace change and let go of what no longer serves us. They are bookending your other three cards, which all have to do with love. Do you have a new love interest in your life?” I press my lips together but eventually nod. “Could they have something to do with why you were having the dreams about running?”

“I think so. Last night, it wasn’t the koala chasing me it was Sasha. He’s actually the new mascot for GSU, which could make sense as to why the koala was chasing me in the first place.”

Karla hums her agreement. “That would make a lot of sense. How come you are afraid of a relationship?”

“I don’t really have a lot of experience with dating, and Sasha is known for being a player. I’m afraid that if we try something, it will blow up, and it could wreck the friendship circle we have built. I’m also afraid that if I let him in, he’ll end up hurting me.”

Karla nods with a soft smile. “I think what the cards are trying to tell you is to embrace this and let go of your fears. That this relationship is what is meant for you, for right now. I’ll be honest and tell you it might not last forever, but I do have a strong belief that it will be good for you for however long it lasts.”

Her words resonate with me, but the fear still sits heavy in my gut. I guess the cards aren’t able to get rid of that fear for me.

“If you push aside your fear and embrace this new love I see great happiness for you, and isn’t that what we all want?” Karla questions, and I nod.

“Thank you for this,” I tell her, pushing my chair back and standing.

“Anytime,” she assures me and places her hands on my shoulders once she’s also come to a stand. “You are worthy of love and happiness. Anything your heart desires.”

Her words are like a salve to my heart, and I nod again because I can’t think of what else to say.

Karla guides me to the backyard, where BooBoo is helping his dad cut firewood.

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