Page 37 of Testing the Goalie

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There’s a war raging behind Ben’s eyes as I gently clean his body with lavender-scented bodywash. He’s obviously enjoying the care and attention but is also afraid of it at the same time. I hate that this poor boy had to live a life where people constantly left him behind.

“Would it scare you if I told you I want to keep you?” I whisper, carefully running my hand over his cock, cleaning it but not lingering there.

“A little,” he replies quietly. “But only because I want that so badly.”

“All you have to do is say the word, and I’ll never let you go,” I promise him.

“I can’t,” he tells me, his bottom lip slightly trembling.

Quickly, I pull him into my arms, running my soapy hands up and down his back and holding him through his trembles.

“It’s okay,” I assure him. “I’ll wait until you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere either way.”

Ben slowly pulls back, not enough to remove himself from my hold but enough to peer at my face. He stares into my eyes for a moment, like he’s trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth. He doesn’t say anything, but eventually, the corners of his lips turn up the smallest amount, and he tips his chin slightly as if accepting it as truth.

We spend the rest of our time in the shower in silence. I almost don’t want to let Ben leave when we’re finished, but that’s what we agreed to.

I silently watch Ben get dressed and feel an ache in my chest when he heads home, leaving me alone in my thoughts. I pray I didn’t mess things up tonight. I just couldn’t stop myself from letting him know I care for him.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand bright and early Sunday morning. I want to throw it out the window until I see Ben’s name lighting up my screen. I hate to admit it, but I was expecting him to freak out again and go several days without reaching out. To say I’m pleasantly surprised to find out that isn’t the case would be an understatement.

There are already a bunch of messages from my boy, so I quickly unlock my phone to find out what he has to say. Hopefully, he isn’t freaking out and telling me in a text. But as I read the messages, my eyes widen, and I groan when I find out that isn’t the case. Along with some dirty messages is a picture that has my dick throbbing.

Ben’s hard cock fills my screen, and I grasp my erection firmly. I woke up sporting some morning wood, but the sight of my boy naked and needy has my dick hard as a rock in an instant. I read the messages that came with the image and snicker a little, loving that his bratty side is coming out to play this morning.

Sweet Boy: What would happen if I touched myself?

Sweet Boy: I woke up like this, it doesn’t feel right to leave myself hanging.

Sweet Boy: Is it possible to die of blue balls?

Sweet Boy: You don’t want me to die, do you?

I shake my head and type out a response.

Me: I guess you COULD touch yourself if you really wanted to. But it would be much better if it was me stroking you. Don’t you agree?

His reply is instant, and I chuckle.

Sweet Boy: It would, Daddy, but you’re not here… and I’m sooo needy!

I hit an icon in the corner to call Ben instead of typing another response.

“Am I in trouble?” he answers.

“Not at all. I was trying to come up with a way to help with your neediness,” I explain.

“Oh?” Ben asks breathlessly.

“Since I’m not there with you, I figured I would tell you what to do over the phone,” I state, which has Ben sucking in a breath that brings a smile to my face. “Does that sound like a good plan?”

“Yes, Daddy, that sounds like the perfect plan,” he replies, the excitement evident in his tone.

“You’ll need to use your hands, so put your phone on speaker,” I state.

“I already have my Bluetooth headphones in,” he replies.

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