Page 8 of Revenge Vows

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He growls in response and then pulls me closer to the edge of the desk. He’s tall enough to lean over my prone form easily, despite the height of the desk.

I feel the slippery smoothness of his cock pressing against my folds, and then he thrusts inside of me with a groan. It hurts for a moment, and I stiffen in surprise, but pleasure immediately tumbles through my nerve endings as he starts to pump in and out of my body.

“Holy shit, you’re so tight,” he groans, leaning back a little and grabbing my hips to stabilize them. I look up at the beautiful man buried inside of me, his chiseled jaw parted in response to the excitement of claiming me.

I close my eyes and give in to the tide of pleasure rising within me. He’s so big he feels like he’s tearing me wide open, yet the pleasure of each of his deep, hard thrusts makes my body arch off the desk as if I’m being electrified.

I reach behind me and grip the edge of the desk to anchor myself, pushing back against his huge cock, desperate for him to get ever deeper inside of me.

“Come for me, baby,” he orders me, and I do as if by command, screaming loudly and clawing at the slippery surface of the desk as my body jerks and shudders with the intensity of my orgasm.

“Good girl,” he praises me before shouting out his own release. I feel heat fill my core as he cums inside of me before slumping onto one hand and hanging his head down over my body.

He’s panting, his muscular chest heaving with the intensity of what he just experienced, and I feel an incredible sense of triumph in the knowledge that I did this to him.

As I’m watching him, my legs still twitching and jerking with the aftershocks of my pleasure, he lifts his gaze and meets my eyes. Something like softness appears in their dark depths, but then it’s gone and he pulls out of me and tugs me upright on the desk.

I watch him get dressed again in an abstracted way. I feel dizzy and disoriented due to the intensity of what I just shared with him. My friends have told me about their first times and how awkward they were. I feel bad for them now that I have experienced an orgasm that made me feel like I was dying and being knit back together in the span of less than a minute.

“Here, get dressed,” he says to me, picking up my clothing off the floor and offering it to me.

I want to be disappointed that he’s not basking in the moment the way that I am, but it makes sense. This was probably the usual kind of experience for him. He’s older than me, and can have his pick of women. I won’t let myself be hurt by the fact that the moment is far more special to me than it is to him.

I get dressed, and pick up my bag off the floor. I feel the seeping of him slipping from my body into my panties, and spare a moment of worry about getting pregnant. All other thoughts flee from my mind, however, when he cradles the back of my neck in his hands and presses an open-mouthed kiss on my lips.

“Thank you,” he says to me.

“You’re welcome,” I say back, my voice hoarse from shouting and crying out.

“I’ll have a driver take you home,” he tells me. I should tell him no, but I don’t. I just let him lead me down the stairs and out to the car waiting in the alley.

I look at the beautiful man who just took my virginity as the car drives away from the club. He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets and his hair is hanging over his forehead. I rub my thighs together to ease the renewed ache gathering in my core.

Now, no matter what else happens to me, I will have this incredible memory to savor.

I’m not sorry I fucked Antonio Russo. If my life ends in a few days, I deserve to enjoy what’s left of it.

Chapter Four


Maybe it’s good I won’t see her again. Getting too fond of any of the girls here is never a good idea. I’ll forget her the moment I get home, I promise myself.

Despite this, thoughts of Alyssa and her beautiful body and tight pussy take over my mind all throughout the drive back home.

What was it about her that had made fucking her so incredible? I had had my fair share of women in my lifetime, but Alyssa had made me come so hard it felt like being torn apart from the inside out. I hadn’t even remembered to put on a condom. Once I was inside of her, it was like I blacked out.

Maybe it was that air of clean sweetness that had spoken to me so loudly when she was in the room. There was no reason that a girl from a good family, who believed in the right things, should have been working for me in my club.

I turned the mystery of her over and over in my mind, worrying it smooth like a rock tumbler. I shifted on my seat uncomfortably, my dick at half-mast as I remembered her narrow, nipped-in waist and her long, muscular legs. My promise to forget her right away was clearly not going to work out.

When I get to the front door, I am welcomed by the sight of my younger brothers, Bunny and Donatello, sprawled out on couches in the big living room, watching football on TV. I raised my brothers, and they have yet to move out. I don’t mind, though. We’ve always been close, and they make this big, echoing house more tolerable for me to live in.

“What took you so long?” Bunny asks over his shoulder as I walk into the living room. He curses and slaps a hand on his forehead in response to a fumble made by his team.

“Yeah, you said you wouldn’t be long at the club,” Donatello adds. He leans over and pats Bunny on the knee. “Told you that you shouldn’t have bet against me on this game.”

I lean against the back of the couch, and watch the next play of the game with idle interest. “You’re big boys,” I tell them. “You don’t need me to check in with you while I’m working.”

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