Page 55 of Revenge Vows

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I raise my hands in surrender. “You asked.”

He sighs. “What you did today was impressive. I’ll give that to you. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“You don’t know me.”

They must think that I am some weak and useless girl. It’s good for me and even better for my plan if they do. I’ll snuff their brother’s life out right under their noses, and they’ll never see it coming.

He nods. “You’re right,” he replies. “I don’t know you, and I am pleasantly surprised that you are capable of such duplicity.”

I search his face, but I get no answer to the question lingering in my mind, so I ask instead, “Why did you ask me to come out here?”

He grins this time. “To tell you that I don’t fucking trust you. And to offer you a deal.”

“A deal?”

He nods. “I’ll let you go on your jolly way if you can forget that all this ever happened—by all this, I mean that you forget about being with my brother and this whole stupid marriage charade you both have going on.”

I chuckle. “That’s your deal?”

He purses his lips in thought. “I’ll do you one better—name your price, and you’ll have it.”

I tap my lips in thought, and then I look at him.

“You know, maybe sometime a week ago, your deal would have been everything to me. But right now,” I flash a grin, knowing that words cut deep, “I am in love with your brother, and I hope that you understand how much of a dilemma it is to leave now.”

His eyes darken. “Is that your choice? To stay here and face whatever comes of it?”

I am about to reply acidly when I hear the sound of footsteps behind me.

“That’s enough,” comes an ice-cold voice.

Antonio steps up behind me, and he takes my hand. “Didn’t she tell you she had strict orders not to leave the mansion?” he asks his brother.

As he speaks, he gently pulls me behind him so that his huge frame half covers me.

“She did, but I don’t see reason with you locking up a pretty woman in an airless room,” his brother responds just as coldly.

His grip on my hand tightens. “Do not speak to her or summon her without my permission. Am I clear?”

He and his brother have a stare-down for a minute. I can’t see his face, but his brother’s eyes have disappointment in them.

If I end his life and leave his brothers permanently disgusted with him, then that is the perfect icing on the cake of their punishment.

His brother cracks first and clears his throat. “Clear as day.”

“Good.” Antonio turns to me with a frown on his face. “Let’s go,” he mumbles, hugging me. I follow behind him as he pulls me back into the mansion.

“Are you hurt?” he asks as I struggle to catch up to his pace.

“No, he just wanted to talk,” I gasp as I try to keep up. He suddenly stops, making me bump into him, and he turns to face me.

“Don’t lie to me, Alyssa.”

I swallow as I meet the intensity of his eyes. I have no words, so I stare limply. His eyes dart down to my bare feet.

No one thought to get me new shoes when I became a prisoner here. Throughout all my misadventures in this hell hole, I have moved around barefoot.

But now, as he stares down at my feet, I become conscious of them.

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