Page 49 of Revenge Vows

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I shrug at Gracie. “I don’t think saying sorry can fix my wrongs. I messed up badly, Gracie,” I say, sipping my drink.

She tsks. “You have really messed up then. I don’t know, have you tried eating her pussy?” she asks.

I nearly spit out my drink as I nod and she laughs at me. “Damn, she’s lucky. I can take her place if she is ever not in the mood,” she says.

I laugh. “What? A girl can dream, can’t she, Viper?”

My guard approaches and whispers to me that it’s time for my meeting. I nod and turn to Gracie.

“It’s nice to see you as always,” I say.

She smiles and nods. “Hey,” she says. I stop and turn to her.

“I don’t know what wrongs you’ve done to the Mrs., but if you decided to marry her, then it’s not too late to try to right your wrongs,” she says.

I nod and smile, muttering a thank you to her before I leave.

My guard walks behind me as I glide down the staircase. The place, usually flooded with light, is pitch black, and I stop in my tracks. I turn to the guard.

“Isn’t Donatello supposed to be down here waiting for me?” I ask.

“He is, sir,” the guard replies.

I look around. Nothing looks amiss, yet something doesn’t feel right. I take my gun from my coat and cock it. My guard follows suit.

“Who’s there?” I call into the darkness as I walk down the stairs.

“I can feel you here—show your face, you coward. I’ll fire a warning shot in one…two…”

The light flickers on, and beneath us, under the stairs, the room is filled with men, and in the middle of them is Giovanni. Donatello is on the couch, tied hand and foot, and his mouth taped shut. One of Giovanni’s men has a gun pointed at his head.

“I told you imbeciles not to breathe too loudly. He has the hearing of a predator,” Giovanni spits at his men as I walk down the stairs.

“How did you get in here?” I ask, pointing my gun at him.

All of his men turn their guns and point them at me.

“Gentlemen, what happened to a civil conversation?” he says to his men. He turns to me. “And you, old friend. Acting like this wasn’t our hideout,” he says, looking around. “Remember the good old days when nothing else mattered?”

“What do you want?” I ask again.

He groans. “I know things are horrible between us, but you won’t even give me a hello?”

His eyes fall on my ring, and he claps.

“Forgive my manners. Congratulations on your wedding. Thank you for sending us that special video,” he says, causing sniggers from his men.

He looks at me and lowers his voice. “It—it’s a special video, right? Not everyone has it, just me,” he asks. “It would be awkward to find out that I am special only in my own head,” he says.

I lower my gun, and he signals his men to lower theirs. “Why are you here, Giovanni? I’m getting tired of asking,” I say.

He smiles. “Maybe this is why our friendship ended so poorly. You’ve always been so impatient with me,” he says.

“If you hurt even one hair on my brother’s head—”

“Tello?” he cuts in, “Now I am offended that you think so little of me. I used to push his stroller around as a baby. He used to be my little brother. Then Bunny came along, and I adopted him, too. We were one big happy family,” he says.

I close my eyes and inhale.

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