Page 108 of Revenge Vows

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He sighs and throws them at me. “I know she’s your girl,” he says, getting in on the other side of me, “but can we just think?”

I ignore him and turn on the ignition.

“Listen to me, for heaven’s sake!” he screams, grabbing the steering wheel.

I turn to him in rage. “If you’re not going to help me find her, get lost!”

“Fine!” he snaps. He opens the door and gets out.

Like a man possessed by the devil, I drive down to the warehouse, my heart thumping.

“Please, God, let her be safe. Please, God, let her be safe,” I mutter repeatedly.

As I drive down to the warehouse, I see Donatello standing there and waiting for me with a few of his men.

“Brother,” he calls.

I get out of the car and walk toward him.

His man walks up to me and starts searching my pockets. I wince as he runs his hands over my injured shoulder, but I don’t make a sound.

Donatello claps. “Now that’s my brother, a man of honor. I honestly never expected anything less.”

“I need your banking information so I can wire the money,” I tell him.

He waves a man forward with the bank account information where he wants the money deposited. I take care of the transaction. It’s for ten million dollars. I don’t care. I just want Alyssa to be safe.

“Where is she?” I ask him.

He sighs. “We can’t have a moment without you bringing up your whore, can we?”

I give him a punch that sends him reeling to the side. His men raise their guns, but he signals them to bring them down.

He chuckles, wiping the blood from his chin. “Bring the girl out!” he says.

One of his men goes in, and in a few minutes, he returns with Alyssa.

Her hands are tied, and so is her mouth. She stumbles as the man pulls her behind him.

When he gets to us, he throws her to the ground.

“You bastard,” I curse under my breath, running to her, but Donatello points a gun to my chest.

“Not so fast.” There is an evil glimmer in his eyes.

“What did you do to her?”

He smirks. “I’ll admit it, your lady was quite feisty. In a fun way, but it started to get a tad bit annoying.”

“You doped her, didn’t you?” I ask as rage courses through my veins.

He shrugs. “I find that I like my ladies quiet.”

“I’ll kill you,” I say to him between my teeth.

He chuckles. “I am sure you will—that’s why I guess I will have to get rid of you forever.”

He moves the gun from my chest to Alyssa, who lies sprawled on the ground.

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