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“Sound ones.” Shrugging, Quill crossed his arms. “But I hope I eat my words.”

“So do I.” Resuming his back-and-forth pacing, Brendan gritted out, “More than you know.”

“If I’m wrong, then I’ll pay for it with your girlfriend’s absurd plan to make me into her own personal reality TV show.” Quill lifted the corner of his mouth. “Blind dates, ugh.”

A strangled chuckle erupted out of Brendan. “I wouldn’t have said this a few hours ago, but I sure as heck hope that happens now. If she’s as loyal to me as I am to her, you deserve to pay for making me doubt it.”

Holding a pleased smirk, Quill nodded, probably glad to see some energy back on Brendan’s face.

A knock sounded on the door, and a blonde woman in a senior security uniform marched in, her jaw rigid. “Boss.” She nodded at Farris, then Manning. “Mr. Cole.”

“What is it, Pansy?” Farris asked in a tone that did little to hide his irritation at the timing of her interruption.

“I heard security talking over the radio about how Genevieve Hart has gone missing, and I came to deliver an urgent message to Mr. King.”

“Go ahead,” Brendan said, snapping his eyes up to meet hers. His skin prickled, goosebumps pebbling up his arms.

“Mr. King, Genevieve asked me to tell you that if she ever disappeared from The Golden Star, she and I hid a tracker in a hair clip she’s been wearing daily. She also said to tell you that if she goes missing, it’s either because someone took her or she went to save someone she loves. The only two people that she cares about that way besides you are her mom and Archer.”

“Archer?” Brendan asked, his tone piqued. “Who’s Archer?”

“Her best friend from her Reno days.” Pansy studied Brendan’s expression, then added with a sideways smile, “Genevieve told me he’s gay, so if you’re worried that she’s skipping town to be with him, don’t—at least not romantically, she isn’t. That woman couldn’t talk about anything other than how you are basically the sun in her sky for seven straight days. Do you suspect that she went somewhere with Archer?”

Brendan nodded.

“Then, if I had to put my money on it, Genevieve went with Archer because she’s trying to protect her mom. She has some serious guts, but she still should have rallied security for backup first. Going it alone is dangerous.”

“What does Archer look like?”

“She didn’t tell me a lot. He’s a hairdresser at The Outlaw.” Pansy pointed a quick finger at Brendan, her expression suggesting that she had just recalled a conversation they’d shared. “He just dyed his hair an awful shade that makes him look like a merman. Genevieve told me she pretended to like it but doesn’t think it works for him.”

Brendan narrowed his eyes at Quill and lifted a challenging brow.

Quill winced. “Shoot, I’m sorry, Brendan. When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong, but it still doesn’t explain why she ran off with him without letting you know.”

“Only one motive makes sense. He knows where her mom is.”

Quill nodded, an inquisitive look on his face. “Why would she go without backup, though? You told her how dangerous that would be.”

Brendan closed his eyes, clenching his fists until his knuckles throbbed. “He’s working for Marshal.”

“I think so, too,” Quill returned softly. “The guy fed her some convincing lines about her mom, and she rushed out to save her.”

“Her best friend betrayed her? You really think so?” Or Archer’s intentions are pure.

“Maybe,” Quill mused, “or maybe he really intends to help Genevieve rescue her.”

“Agreed.” Brendan released his fists, fanning out his fingers. “Let’s get moving. No matter Archer’s intentions, we need to get to Genevieve before Marshal does.” He swiveled toward Pansy. “The program for the tracker?”

“Here”—Quill reached out—“hand it to me. That’s my wheelhouse.”

Brendan hesitated. “Quill, I’m not expecting you to?—”

“Shut it, bro, I’m coming. Don’t argue.”

Brendan smirked. Where would he be without Quill? No matter how much of a pain in the neck he was.

Handing the tablet to Quill, Pansy pointed at the touchscreen. “I already peeked. They’re headed toward the outskirts of town.”

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