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“I need you to trust me.”

“I do, Brendan—with my life and my heart.”

He drew in a startled breath. After a pause, his husky voice whispered, “Damn, I should put my life on the line more often.”

“No, you should not,” Genevieve hissed toward his voice, blinking her eyes to reveal a splotchy version of him. “Never again.”

Brendan chuckled. “Wow, that was a rush. Fastest driving I’ve ever done. Whew.”

OMG, did he enjoy that? Being shot at while burning rubber? She was too shocked to ask. He was way friggin’ crazier than she thought.

He let out a sigh of relief. “Come on.” After tugging her out of the car, he pulled her into his warm embrace. “We’d better get inside before I do get shot.”



Brendan hadn’t felt so good in his entire life. He’d almost gotten himself killed, but the rush from saving the woman he loved, combined with the beautiful words that she trusted him with her life and heart, were worth the risk. Now, he just needed to keep his wits about him until he incapacitated Jed Marshall and hopefully walked off into the sunset with her.

Damn love? Did he love her? It would seem so. Why else would he be dumb enough to set off flash grenades in front of a mob of powerful criminals with guns?

Brendan guided Genevieve across The Golden Star casino floor, nodding at Manning in greeting as he approached.

A pleased smirk lit up Manning’s face. “Brendan, you make quick work of things. I see the plan was successful. My crew has been directed to dispose of your car. I’ll up the security at the doors and redirect the cops if need be. Marshal’s men will have tracked you, but I doubt they’ll be reckless enough to answer back tonight.”

“Thanks, I’ll be up in the villa if you need me. I don’t want to leave Genevieve’s side.”

“Ms. Hart.” Manning inclined his head. “So nice to see you again—on the same side this time. A pleasant revelation.”

“Manning Cole?” Genevieve blinked. Her dazed caramel eyes riveted toward Brendan. “You’re friends with Manning Cole?”

“I am now.” Brendan couldn’t withhold a smug grin.

Genevieve smiled, biting her lip. “Hmm,” she mused. “I agree with Mr. Cole. You make quick work of things.”

Brendan clasped Genevieve’s hand, nodding his chin toward Manning. “Any updates?”

“Quill arrived twenty minutes ago. I asked him to work with me in the morning on our legal angles. He already seemed to know about your impulsive plan to flash-bang Marshal’s casino and get Ms. Hart to safety. He wasn’t pleased, so we didn’t talk long.”

“Yeah, I figured he’d oppose. Regardless, I wanted him up to speed in case I didn’t make it out.”

“I told him that if I found out you were dead, I’d let him know—otherwise, to hang tight in the villa.”

Raking a hand across the back of his neck, Brendan grumbled, “Great, I was hoping for a few peaceful minutes before he grilled me. He’s not going to like that I acted without talking to him first.”

“Got to say, Brendan,”—Manning huffed out a laugh—“I’m glad you lived. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if you would.” He rubbed his fingers along his quirked mustache. “I’ll admit I’m surprised, and very few people surprise me. I know this is premature since we haven’t finished the job yet, but I wouldn’t mind partnering up with you.”

Genevieve prodded at Brendan’s arm. Their eyes linked, and she shook her head. His heart rate kicked up a notch while he worked hard to keep his face impassive. She cared where he lived? That was a good sign. Not that he had any interest in the casino business, but still.

Brendan skipped his gaze back to Manning. “Allies, Manning. It seems Reno will never be my home, but my door is always open to a good friend.”

“Figured you’d say that.” Manning gestured a firm nod his way. “There may be times I take you up on that.” Holding out his hand, he added, “At a minimum, can we agree you’ll handle my financial investments?”

“I’d be glad to.” Brendan shook on it.

“You’ve got a good man there, Ms. Hart.”

She grinned. “I’m aware, Mr. Cole. He’s worth a lot more than millions.”

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