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“Of course not. My feet are just…”

She inhaled a shaky breath. Brendan! No way. He strolled through the main floor of the casino like he owned the place, looking sexy as sin in one of his Brioni suits. Warm tingles prickled every inch of her skin while her stomach tangled with butterflies. He’d come for her. He was incredible—and dead! How long before Brendan’s face appeared on the recognition searches within Luke’s security system?

“Let me go, please, Killian. I’d like to play a few slots before I head upstairs.”

Killian studied her with a disbelieving glare, then shrugged. “Within The Outlaw, the boss’s rules are do whatever you’d like as long as he’s the only straight man you touch.” He winked. “Archer gets a pass.”

Genevieve rolled her eyes. “I really needed that distinction.” Goodness, if she was lucky enough to escape, she hoped they didn’t hurt Archer in retaliation.

Killian reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold credit card, handing it to her. Genevieve Marshall was etched across the face in sparkling black letters. Bile rose in her throat, and she swallowed it down, clenching her fist. That will never be my name, even if I have to dice with death.

“Thanks,” Genevieve gritted out sweetly.

She went to an ATM to pay for a slot machine ticket and plopped down on a nearby brown-leather stool in front of a classic machine with bars, bells, and cherries. Pretending to study the rules on the screen, Genevieve covertly tracked Brendan as he searched the casino floor. When Killian glanced at his cell phone, she slid off the stool and paced behind Brendan. Quickly snagging his arm, she pulled him behind a set of slot machines featuring Wild West duels.

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Genevieve!” Brendan breathed out a sigh of relief, wrapped an arm around her waist, and braced her head against his chest, squeezing her tightly. “Thank god you’re okay. I’m glad you found me. I was looking for your red highlights. It never occurred to me that you’d change your hair.”

“Get out of here now,” Genevieve whispered, pulling back and pinching his jaw between her fingers. “Jed owns this place. He’ll kill you if he finds you in here. What on earth are you thinking? Run!”

“That you’re worth it. There’s no way I’m leaving this casino without you.”

Genevieve pointed toward the exit. “I think you’re worth it too. Which means—hightail it out of here, Brendan. This isn’t a game. You won’t make it out of here with me—alone, you might live.” She shoved at his shoulders. “Go!”

“Well, well, well,” Jed boomed out, sliding around the slot machines with Roman and Killian flanking him. “If it isn’t the CEO super nerd daring to touch what’s mine. Though I disagreed with my men, I kept hearing you were smart. Already proven to be false.” Narrowing his eyes, he growled, “What the hell are you doing in my casino?”

Her chest constricted. No, no, no! If something happened to Brendan, she’d never forgive herself.

Brendan pivoted, crossing his arms and standing firm. She blinked in stunned silence. He truly had lost his mind. Did he not understand the phrase he will kill you?

Genevieve shook herself out of her trance. “Babe.” She waltzed to Jed’s side. “Just kick him out, and let’s get on with our lives. He’s a nobody.” She tried to ignore Brendan’s face drop while she delivered her carefully orchestrated words and kissed Jed’s cheek.

“Hmm…I quite agree, my dove.” Jed turned his head and placed a possessive kiss on her lips. Not breaking contact with her eyes, he drawled out, “But Mr. King doesn’t seem to think so.” He swiveled back toward Brendan. “So what to do, what to do?”

Jed’s cool confidence might fool some, but Genevieve knew he was insanely jealous just by the thought she might care for Brendan. His threatening gray eyes brewed like a super typhoon was on the horizon.

Brendan didn’t falter his stance. “Marshal, can’t say I’m pleased to meet you.”

Jed snickered. “I see you’ve heard I’m the law, though it seems I’ll have to teach you to believe it. You still haven’t answered my question, office freak. What the fuck are you doing in my casino?”

“I came to check on Genevieve and make sure she’s okay.”

Jed tucked her under his arm. “She’s fine.”

“Yes, Mr. King, I’m fine. You should leave.”

Jed plastered on a mocking grin. “When a woman’s right, she’s right.”

“Those are the first words you’ve said I agree with.” Brendan smiled with equally forced animation. “But regardless, I don’t feel like leaving.” He tilted his head and shrugged. “I don’t think that’s what Genevieve really wants.”

“Of course you don’t.” Jed clenched his jaw. “Just a pathetic man who doesn’t know when he’s lost.” He nodded his chin toward Brendan. “Okay, King, shall we play a game?”

“Name it.”

“Poker. Winner takes all.”

Brendan raised a brow, taking his time to adjust his glasses before responding. “All?”

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